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About ChuckB

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    History, especially nautical. Photography (amateur!) and vintage popular music.

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  1. Thanks, Chris, I owe you a Fistful of Dollars.
  2. Hi Kurt and Chris, When you click on my profile there are three tabs. The last one is "albums". The first four entries are indeed albums with photos in them. These need to be left alone. The next five entries were things I accidentally started and never finished. I'd like to delete those. But I don't want anyone to accidentally erase any of the first four, which are correct. When I click on "Manage album" it gives me only two choices. One is "Report an album" and the other is "Edit an Album". I can't find anything on the bottom of that screen which allows me to delete anything. And within "Edit album" there is no place to actually delete anything, just modify what's there. So, Chris, if you or Richard Hatch want to get rid of those last five entries that's fine with me. But please don't erase the four legitimate ones above these five.
  3. Ho do I delete an album I started accidentally and never put any photos into? I have three such mistakes to eliminate.
  4. This is absolutely incredible. Museums everywhere should take note.

    The close up photos are terrific, and I love the love their explanatory captions, too. 

  5. I agree with Yves. It's very busy and the figures look like you just stop-motioned them while in action. I wasn't around to see the beginning of this, but just now sampled some of the pages. Terrific workmanship along the way, and the result is a wonderful finished project. 👍👍
  6. Thanks Keith and Laggard!
  7. Thanks ERS Rich, I clicked on a couple of your albums and came away humbled. Congratulations on creating such an impressive collection. I've been to Massachusetts twice and think it's a great state. Looks like you live in pretty country, northwest of "Wooster." I should also comment on your Profile: Nicely done! I haven't been able to figure out how to put "NRG Member" in mine or how to add those "Currently Constructing" and "Albums" sections. I may ask a moderator for help with that. Cheers, Chuck
  8. Hi all, I joined the NRG in 2016 and have finally gotten up enough courage to try and navigate this website. As soon as I can figure out how to do it I will start up an album in the gallery. I do have a question about that: If I post an album about a specific ship how can I ever find the album again--by my name or by the name of the ship? Anyway, I will keep browsing and see if I can figure it out. Cheers, ChuckB
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