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Everything posted by SomethingIsFishy

  1. Added seats: A little planking under the seats: Decided to remove the single piece of cardstock from the bottom so I could plank the entire hull... The finished boat!
  2. There's a great series of tutorials in the card and paper section (go to "general ship model kit discussions") that explains it all. I'm using wood glue and weight (books stacked on top) to prevent warping. Honestly I don't really know much about card models either. This is just an experiment for me...
  3. Oh, I definitely had a lot of fun with this build! I'm still planning on putting together a simple glass case for this one... So I guess it's not technically done until it's safe in its case...
  4. It looks like a rowboat in my head, so that's what I'm calling it... Picked up some cardstock and downloaded some plans to give me something to work on while I wait for my next kit to arrive, but my printer isn't working... I decided to just start cutting and gluing without plans to see what would happen. Why not?? This is what I have so far. Keel is 6 layers of card laminated together, the rest of the framing is 4 layers. I'm going to try planking with strips of card. I intended to start from the rear and work forward, but the first frame piece ended up being too narrow. Not wanting to waste it, I decided to see if it would fit anywhere else... it did. That's why there's one frame piece (what are they called again?) out in the middle of nowhere... This could be interesting...
  5. Finished!! I realize this has been a quick build, but I'm happy with how the ship turned out. I plan on investing a lot more time into my next build, which will hopefully be started on my birthday... I've told my wife exactly which ship I would like...
  6. I'm looking at replacing the masts, yards, etc. on my next build with wood, trying to keep the rigging tight on my current build was challenging at times, want to avoid that on the next ship... I think having more rigid wooden masts would make things easier... Obviously I will have the plastic parts for patterns, but was wondering what to use for wood, and if there's any tips or tricks I should know... I will be looking through wooden build logs when I have time for research... Might check into scratch logs too...
  7. Spent a lot of my Saturday working on the ship... Almost there... I suppose I could have taken more time, but this model is more "let's see how I like modeling tall ships" than "let's make it look perfect". I'm really enjoying this build, and am already looking forward to the next one...
  8. Thanks, I'm pleased with how it's turning out... I may just have to build a nice glass case for this one...
  9. Plastic masts are kind of a pain! It's not easy to get the rigging tight... they keep bending. I do believe I will make wooden masts on my next ship...
  10. Good point, scrolling thru pages of "photo not found" is not very interesting... Meanwhile back at the docks... Sails are up next according to the instructions. I will be using the supplied sails, they look decent enough for me and for this build. I prefer the look of billowing sails, I think models without sails look naked...
  11. Decks installed, some paint added... Masts mounted... Rigging started, this brings things up to date...
  12. Looks like photobucket tags work. That makes posting pics easier for me, is there any reason why I shouldn't use them? Edit- there is a reason not to use photobucket...
  13. My plan is to make a generic model of a frigate, basically following the instructions, doing things a little different as far as paint colors go... The goal is to get a feel for building models of "tall ships" with all their rigging, to enjoy the process, and to hopefully end up with something that looks good with my other ship models... I'm pleased with how it looks so far, and I'm having fun, so I'd say I'm off to a good start. I have some resizing to do on my pictures, so it might be a while before I get them up... Edit: forgot to add - I'm already in the process of rigging this ship, but I do have a few pics of the progress to share...
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