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Timothy Wood

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Everything posted by Timothy Wood

  1. Greetings, The Atlantic is nearing completion! One more coat of finish on the hull and the brass name tag and she will be complete! Cheers, Tim
  2. Greetings, A couple of quick shots to show the progress on the Chart House and Cockpit, I finally installed the depression cage around the forward 50 Cal. It wasn't an easy gob and I didn't do a very good job of it Cheers, Tim
  3. Hi Jay, Thanks for the kind words! She still isn't finished. I'll add a coat of clear semigloss as a final coat after the pinstripe is added. Cheers, Tim
  4. Greetings, Yesterday afternoon I completed cutting the mounting board then I added a beveled edge with the router. Today I spray painted the upper hull with semi gloss black and in a few days I'll add the gold pinstripe to the hull. The mounting board is cherry and still which still needs to be finished along with cutting the screw slot on the back side. Cheers, Tim
  5. LONDON — An ice-strengthened sea freighter has become the first bulk carrier to traverse the Northwest Passage through Canada’s Arctic waters, heralding a new era of commercial activity in the Arctic. Travelling with a Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker, the 75,000 deadweight-tonne Nordic Orion left Vancouver on Sept. 17 carrying 15,000 metric tons of coal. It is currently off Nuuk, Greenland, where it let a Canadian Arctic adviser off board. Cheers, Tim
  6. Thanks Pete, We had a beautiful day today! You couldn't ask for a nicer day!
  7. Greetings, We survived the hurricane here at Virginia Beach! I believe it's well overdue for an update on the Schooner Atlantic half hull. She is finally ready for an application of clear coat. Above the water line will be gloss black with a thing gold stripe just below the deck, the hull below the water line will be clear coat to show the mahogany. It's a little too windy today to spray the hull with luck tomorrow will be more favorable. Cheers, Tim
  8. It's been quite some time since I've made a post, so I figured I better make a quick update! I did manage to get most of the 20mm complete, still have to attach the shoulder rest to the main unit. Completed building the helmsman's enclosure and searchlight platform, (It still needs smoothing with sandpaper before the final coat of primer). Constructed the machine gun mounts, (They still need some cleanup work and a coat of primer). Cheers, Tim
  9. Alfons, I have to agree with you, it gratifying to see the pieces come together at each step! Tim
  10. Ela, Thanks for the nice words, I'm not so sure about the technique though. Its more like trial and error! Tim
  11. For the color for the inside of the frames, I believe you hit the nail on the head. Darkened cello sounds like a good choice! Tim
  12. After some sanding and a quick coat of primer it looks much better. I admit I still have work to do on the paint to smooth out many rough spots but it isn't anything that can't be overcome! Cheers, Tim
  13. The first part I glued to the chart house was the Dead Light, no problem with this even though they are extremely small and a real very to work with. My next step was to assemble the side window frames. I was successful attaching the starboard window at the correct height, the port window set up to quick and it was attached too low on the chart house. The same error happened while attaching the forward chart house windows. As you can see the port window is out of line and needs to be reattached. Cheers, Tim
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