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Everything posted by Tompslattery

  1. I’ll have to add that to list of jobs to do.… it’s a long list 😂
  2. Thank you. It does feel good. The only downside is I have to find somewhere to put it😂
  3. After approximately 16 years I’m calling this finished. Thank you for the kind words and likes everyone. Thanks also to those who provided guidance.
  4. Made a display cradle from scrap of Tasmanian oak finished with shellac. It isn’t great but it will serve it’s purpose for the foreseeable future, I may redo it one day……
  5. Getting so close. Boat and anchors fitted. Braces and many coils to go
  6. Been a productive week for ship building. Cause I’ve been doing it instead of other things I should be doing 😂 Very close to finishing, not fitting sails as my kit didn’t come with prefabricated sails and I can’t sew. Yard braces, rope coils, fitting the anchor and the boat to go.
  7. Yeah they are only tied at the moment, no glue. I wasn’t sure how much sag they should have
  8. After avoiding starting the rat lines for a few weeks, today I finally started
  9. Hi @Rick01 yes I epoxied the mast in, following what was described in Mastini’s ship modelling simplified. I did have tremendous difficulty trying to get the stirrups on the foot ropes to be even lengths. Rigged the bobstay the other day, no photo yet as my back started spasming when I was doing it. Another occasion where the plans where the plans were different in different locations. Needed a double block where a single block was specified earlier.
  10. Finished the shrouds. Had to redo the first ones I did as they had slackened. Relaxation of the thread? Even after redoing, 1 of the first pair on the port side is still slack.
  11. @Rick01 you give me so much to look forward too 😂😂😂 mast is stepped and hatch and mast pin rails in place
  12. Upper shrouds are rigged. had to get a little creative with the ship end of the bowsprit. If positioned sitting on the rail the angle of the bowsprit was pointing down, well as clashing with the pinrail. So it was glued under the railing. An extra pin hole was drilled in the rail as the pin directly over the bowsprit clashed with the bowsprit.
  13. That’s a great video
  14. Attack of the dodgy instructions again. In the process of attaching all the blocks to the spars and it appears that the top gallant yard is suspended by magic. From my limited research I think there should be a pair of lift blocks at the end of the yard as well as a pair of brace blocks at the ends and possibly a halyard in the centre. If I add these I’m not sure where the lines would run or where they’d be belayed.
  15. Was tying blocks to the bowsprit when I noticed this little guy hanging out 😂
  16. Glued the cabins, binnacle cupboard and bowsprit rest in place. Main hatch is just sitting there.
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