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Everything posted by Tompslattery

  1. Thanks for the advice @Rick01 Think I’ve repaired it. also attempted some weathering on the dinghy.
  2. Just noticed in the photo that one of the reinforcement strips had popped off the channel. Bugger!
  3. Lower dead eyes and chain plates installed. Not pretty but they’re in.
  4. Added some woolding to the lower mast. I'm definitely not much of a photographer 😆
  5. The moment when glueing cannons to the sleds when you realise you missed painting one 🤦‍♂️
  6. Ok, was able to get a new 0.5mm bit( was a delay as Brisbane had 3 day Covid lockdown) got 2 individual bits and another set of assorted sizes as they have a 2.5mm shank. Discover when I sat down to do some work that my pin vise wont take a 0.5mm shank and then I promptly broke the bit with the 2.5mm shank🤬. Need to get a pin vise that takes a smaller bit! Glued the 2 channels on, starboard went smoothly port side not so much. This is related to the broken drill bit. I've left the glue to set and hoping for the best, but I foresee needing to redo the port side. Put a coat of paint on the interior of the dinghy/open boat and on the my dodgy sleds for the carronades.
  7. Side pin rails glued and nailed in place as well as the cross beam for the boat davits. Annoyingly broke my 0.5mm drill bit and I dont have another.
  8. I've been slack with updates. All the mast and spars are shaped and painted, fore pin rail has been glued in place as has the boat davits, bitt heads and catheads. The side pin rails and channels have been fabricated and painted and need to be glued into position.
  9. Your build is a great resource for me, its frequently filled the massive gaps that the instructions have left.
  10. Thank you both. I think I’m going to with lashing the blocks. I did try to use the wire last night but it kept breaking. Also I’ve been blackening all shiny metal bits on the model, so shiny wire isn’t consistent with that.
  11. @Moltinmark and @Rick01 did you use wire to attach your blocks to the yards and the boom to the bracket at the stern?
  12. Hi I was wondering what the spacing of woolding on the lower mast of a French cutter(Le Renard) would be? Is there a general rule of thumb with this?
  13. I’ve been using my cordless drill held in the vise while using sandpaper in the other hand
  14. Rick and Gaffrig Both your models are amazing!!! Could I please ask a question? What are these connections on the bulwark towards the stern? They are drawn on my plans but I cant find any annotation to say what they actually are. Also how did you connect the cleats on the inner bulwarks? Thank you Tom
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