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Everything posted by Tompslattery

  1. Some of these deck items are more complicated than I thought they were going to be. Didnt realise I had to so the shaping on the pin rail bits(not sure if correct term) or the little square parts on the railing
  2. Thought I'd add a couple of photos of what I added today, the break water and the fore hatch coamings. Disappointed in how they both came out.
  3. And it has sat gathering dust again until today. Burst of enthusiasm
  4. It's been awhile since I added some photos, so here are some of the latest progress.
  5. Those drawings help make sense. The problem i was having was sliping the bracket over the barrel in the nook, even after I enlarged it. Having that angled access would make it easier.
  6. Thanks for your response, I managed to get it on, its not pretty but its on. Its the cutter Len Renard 1/50 scale.
  7. Hi all. Is there an easy way to attach the rudder?
  8. Yes it's Le Renard. Should the planking go horizontal or vertical?
  9. Hi all Should this part of the stern be planked? Or just painted? CHeers Tom
  10. Yeah, they're a screw clamp sold by modellers shipyard in Australia. I started using them but found them annoying to screw in and out. As well as not always holding well. Tried drawing/push pins and found those much better.
  11. A little more progress. The port side is looking better than the starboard.
  12. Hi all Is there a colour that metal belaying pins were? Cheers Tom
  13. Thanks all. The miniature steam seems the go as they deliver, hopefully at a reasonable price haven't checked that as yet. Do these admiralty paints need thinning for brushing?
  14. Hi I am looking for period appropriate colour paint for the Le Renard kit I'm working on. Going to try and match the colour on the full size replica. http://www.modelshipyard.com.au/tools-paints-glue/paints-glue/paint-sets/ Does anyone know if these are any good/appropriate? As a further challenge I'm colour blind which makes choosing paints always a challenge (not to mention clothes etc)
  15. Some more progress on the 2nd planking. The bow is looking a bit rough.
  16. Hi Should you finish/paint your hull/deck prior to commencing the masts and rigging? Also should you apply finish to the masts/spars etc before beginning rigging?
  17. Glued the first of the 2nd layer of planking. Also glued the transom on. It needs to have a keel piece added to the stern. Do I then plank the veneer on either sides of that keel piece?
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