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Everything posted by Tompslattery

  1. Been quite slack lately, just got back into it. This is where it's at. Reasonably happy with how the paint came out, the masking tape lifted some off but thats probably because its been on there for months. Hopefully will be able to touch it up so it looks ok.
  2. Thanks my instructions didn’t really supply any details see attached. I’ve had an attempt to make sleds but I not happy with them
  3. A test using the testors window maker. Think it looks ok
  4. Some painting today. Must say this dark red paint looks very pink to me 😄
  5. Added a coat of sanding sealer/shellac. Will be using this as the finish of some parts and others will be painted.
  6. Well tonight could've gone better. I was unhappy with how this railing that the bowsprit slots through turned out, so I decided to try pulling it apart to do it again. Should've just left it. Broke of 3 of the corner ends as well as splitting pieces off longitudinally. Manage to glue most of the bits back onto the rail except for one corner. Now to recut the 3 posts and hope I get it square this time
  7. I really like the gun sleds that came with your kit as well as the etched transom piece. Much better than my renard kit
  8. The weeks progress. Fore-deckhouse and cabin. I looked up the names before posting this time lol 😅
  9. Hi Keith this looks amazing I was wondering what is it you’ve placed under the skylight grills, the blackish bit? You may have already mentioned and I might have missed it. thanks Tom
  10. Hi all this is referred to as a skylight in the plans. I assume the area under the brass bars would be glass???? Does anyone have a suggestions on how to get the right look? cheers
  11. Looks really good. Considering this kit for my next build. If I ever finish Le Renard, 15ish years and counting 😂
  12. Finished putting together this grating/hatch/deckhouse thing. I'm sure it has a proper name
  13. Sadly don’t have a drill press. Do have a pin vise and a dremmel
  14. The plans say to drill a 1.5mm hole for the pins. I haven’t measured the actual diameter of the pins themselves
  15. Hi havent attempted to drill the holes for the belaying pins yet but thinking ahead. Is there a method to try and prevent splitting the rail? cheers Tom
  16. Hi Dutchman yes, I’ve looked at his log a few times since I pulled the kit back out of the cupboard. cheers Tom
  17. Hi does anyone have any suggestions on how to shape the circled part in the photo?
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