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Everything posted by portchieboy

  1. I have the honour to have been asked to restore an old, and very tired model thought to date from the late 19th Century. Nothing is known about the ship, bar it's name, so I can only work with what I have been given. You will see that it is 3 masted, and there are 21 yards. The rigging that is left on the ship is wire, and some has been snipped off rather than undone. I will follow advice given me so far and thoroughly record and clean the model first. I also will be measuring and recording the rigging to try to work out where it went, and what more is required. I have some experience of building, though minimal compared to many on this forum. I will therefore be very interested and grateful for any advice along the way. Thanks Stewart for your faith in me, I will do my best. Builds to date Panart Royal Caroline 1/47 Completed 2011 Jotika HMS Vistory 1/72 Started 2008, still to finish ships boats
  2. Couple of problems. Firstly, we simply do not have the space to walk round it! Houses in UK are not that big. TBH, it would cost as much as the original kit to get a suitable case. I can still foresee sealing thespace, and having LED lights around the perimeter. Be interested in seeing any other 'built in' cases? Thanks all for responding, keep 'em coming!
  3. So, I am within 6 months of completing the Jotika Victory...after 12 enjoyable years! Having now to think of display. We don't live in a mansion, just a 3 bed semi, and I was wondering what others have done? The length will be some 1700mm or so. I am thinking about building a shelf unit in an alcove, then putting the model on 2nd or 3rd shelf up. I would then screw an acrylic panel over the front to seal the dust out. We can then use the remainder of the shelving for other purposes. Does that sound possible? Then I have to wonder what to do next....what comes after the best!
  4. Thanks. I would appreciate a picture of just how you pin the spars without damage. Mike
  5. Ah yes. Wrong terminology! Thanks for that Kevin.
  6. Hi. Great build, very interesting the 'advanced' rigging. As per my log, I am building the same model, and am just completing the yards and spars. Now, have I made an error? I have already attached the spars to the 4 yards in question, but I see you have left them until part way through the rigging. If I need to de-attach them, it would be easier now than later..... What do you think please.
  7. Hey Wallace. Welcome to pull alongside anytime! I am a bit lazy with my posts, but will try and get more regular, though being rigging won't be 'riveting', as it were. This may be of help...https://goo.gl/photos/Tfzb86GvG98i6qCD9 I live near Victory, and in 2009, before they took the masts off, had a full tour of the ship. Speak soon. Mike.
  8. Getting on now that Xmas is over. Quite enjoying the yards and spars, and thanks for the tip about the rope coils. That is filed away ready. For the masts, I used an adapted model lathe, but the spars being too thin find that inserting the dowel into a power drill chuck works very well.
  9. Hi, and Merry Xmas fellow model makers. I am really rubbish at taking info from great forums like this, and not reciprocating, so New Years resolution is to keep my log up to date. I guess I have been building the ship now for 7 or 8 years. Started off when I was working, now retired, and largely a winter hobby. I am now at last to the Yards and Spars, then the dreaded rigging to come! On that note, I have just picked up more supplies from my local store (Fratton Model Shop, Portsmouth), and they tell me that the latest research is showing that the models have the rigging wrong, being a Victorian throwback. Thoughts are that the 'Battle' rigging was quite different. Hmmmm, have to think about that one. I have just thrown down a selection of current pics, showing the build to date. Also, the books I use for reference. Have shown my altered version of a model lathe for the thicker masts, though now I am finding just my normal drill chuck does the job nicely. Finally, the first Yard, Spritsail, see how that looks to you experts. If my build looks ok, I am happy to answer any questions if anyone is struggling. I am not the best in the world, but guess 8 years must count for something. Have a great New Year all. Mike
  10. Can I ask for some help please...... I have come to page 30, The Bows, and the 3rd paragraph is making no sense whatsoever!!! The issue is with pieces 395, Bow main rail inner timberhead, I really have no idea where and how these 4 pieces fit. Also, piece 394, as part of the same problem. Can I see a close up please of someones completed Bow. I will post some piccies shortly, not really too proud of the rails etc, but have done as good as I am able Cheers all
  11. I wonder what went wrong? I live about 30 miles away, and bought mt first kit, and all tools from them (in person) in about 2008. They were great, friendly, helpful. Now look at them.
  12. Thanks guys. Yes, it is a medium CA, so I'll get some thin.....good point. Thanks for the comments, I do's me best. Good luck with your own builds...interesting to hear you have strikes in US too!
  13. OK, so moving on..... Presume it's not me, but as the pre lasered parts get smaller, the cut quality falls, and the pieces get really delicate. I found that to build thse parts, I had to layer the small parts with superglue first, then sand, smooth etc! Upwards and onwards.
  14. Help with build order please I am currently working on the Quarterdeck and Forecastle, page 21, but thinking ahead. The instructions are generally building 'up', but we still have the rudder and Stern Fascia to look forward to. It strkes me that it would make more sense, certainly to deal with the rudder, and the stern part of the hull under the fascia? Would any current/past builders be able to advise if I can safely change the order with no nasty surprises please? Thanks
  15. I started this model apparently as far back as 2011, built it for a couple of years then mothballed it until just recently. I am now retired, so can dedicate some serious time to it. It is only my second model (after Royal Caroline), so I am still learning. That is where these forums are so wonderful. I shall be picking a lot of brains over the coming time, but I am in no rush. I am awed by the quality seen fromour fellow modellers,and if I can achieve 75% of the same quality, I will be well pleased. So, as you see, I am currently building up the inner and outer planking on the fo'c'sle and the quarterdeck. I do have a couple of questions if I may. Firstly, the main quarter gallery. OK it was some years ago, but to my knowledge this was built as per instruction. It does look however as though there is a lot of 'flat sheet' jutting out the sides of the stern quarter gallery. If I look in isolation at Photo 037 on page 39, it does show a certain excess, painted black on the top left. Still, doesn't seem right somehow. Second, having glued on the beakhead bulkhead, it does seem to have a fairly large lip above the Focsle deck. Again....may be right? Thanks all, looking forward to the continuing adventure.
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