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  1. My apologies for resurrecting this old thread. I noticed the absence of the votive so-called Flemish galleon ("galeon Flamenco") from 1593, at the Madrid Naval Museum, which is pertinent to the subject. Also, there are several interesting images of Swedish ships at the volume on Christian III period (1533-1588) of the Danish fleet history by Barfod, 1995.
  2. Sometimes a Google search brings me here. I just noticed I registered a year ago, but never posted before, I have a sort of insane curiosity on how the last two centuries models and plans from XVIth century ships match them. I have a large library of Naval history, archeology, shipbuilding and discovery in a dozen languages. And I collect wood and plastic trade galleons models but I never have the time to build them. And I even have a halfway Ph:D project on a middle XVIth century Armada, with hundreds of records from Simancas.
  3. Hi. I just rediscovered this forum looking for opinions on the different Golden Hind models available. I had a period 20 years ago when I was reading the volumes of the Naval Records Society. I remember a section on the Golden Hind saying clearly that the ship had been made in France. Possibly in Laughton or Corbett. Now I do not know if scholarship in the last hundred years has changed that appreciation. The most reliable image of the ship was its apparition in an XVIIth century view of London, even when it was a birds view.
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