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  1. My thanks for all of your kind welcomes, and my apologies for not providing individual responses to each and ever commenter. Thankyou Tony. Which college did/do you attend? Indeed Keith. Though I do enjoy some virtual reality pursuits, the majority of my hobbies concern handcrafts of one form or another. There are a growing number of people my age seeking to learn such skills, which is most gratifying to see, and I endeavour to evangelise the value of handcrafts to my peers whenever possible. Hopefully it shall Brian. I actually read your build log in its entirety (as well as one or two others on this forum) when deciding on which kit to purchase. I shall certainly refer to it as I begin and continue the build. Once again, my thanks to all for their greetings. I plan to commence construction this Friday, the 17th March, and shall initiate a build log at that time.
  2. Thank you for the link Derek. I had a search through the forum for a tool thread but somehow managed to miss that one. My thanks also for your advice; I am more than prepared to disregard all my existing knowledge about plastic modelling, and look forward to the new challenge of working with wood on such a tiny scale. With my Scouting troop I have previously assisted in the construction of canoes, and I possess courtesy of my grandfather some basic joinery and more general woodworking skills that I hope shall in combination allow me to get started successfully. I shall initiate a build log once I have begun the building procedure.
  3. Hello all. My name is George, and I am a first year student reading law at the Queen's College, Oxford. I hail originally from Cheltenham, a small spa town not far away. I have over the years constructed many plastic models kits, including some of naval subjects, and having built several such kits concluded that the time was right to step into the world of wooden model ship building. To facilitate this beginning, my parents very kindly gifted me for my just-passed 20th birthday the Constructo Enterprise kit, a ship I selected for its seemingly appropriate level of complexity and for its suitability as a component of my grander ambition of filling a shelf unit with every vessel named Enterprise from sail to starship. I shall commence construction at the conclusion of term, the 19th March, and have until then to assemble a basic roster of tools to facilitate construction. I already possess a simple craft knife, basic sanding tools and a pin hammer from my existing model kit work, but have set aside a budget of approximately £100 to acquire further tools based on recommendations from this forum. Any advice you could provide on this or any other matter related to model ship construction would be most gratefully received, and I hope to enjoy contributing to this forum for many years to come.
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