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Everything posted by Heinz6672

  1. Good evening from Germany :-)))) building the stern is really fun. That´ s why I have to post 2 new photos. I filled the spaces between the windows on the lower gallery. As usual I use two different woods to imitate the colour. Kind regards - Heinz -
  2. Thank you Ludger, but I think this is a little bit exaggerated. But it feels good to hear . Here are a few more pictures from this weekend....
  3. Another fast update from me: On the last photos you could see that I already started with the stern of my victory. The first step was to build new frames on the windows. I finished this and start to continue with the yellow border below the windows. I don´t know how to name them correctly. For myself I call them the balcony. I really did not know how to build them. I was thinking about it for several days. The only thing I was sure about was to use my elderberry wood for these yellow parts. Last weekend I started a try with two yellow strips. I was really surprised about the first result. It looks good (look at the first 2 pictures). So I continued with the next two strips on the bottom. Then I realized that the angle of the upper strip don´t matches to the one I had to build on the left and right side. I want to build them looking like a "one-piece" balcony running around the stern. (I really hope you understand me :-) ). I decide to put it all off and make it new. This time I took care about the angle oft the upper strip and combined it with the first balcony of the left side of my victory. I really really like it. I like it so much, that I stopped building and start to write this posting . Please don´t laugh about me, but I could not wait to see how it looks when I fill the spaces with the dark walnut wood. What do you think??? I wish you all a wonderful evening!!! - Heinz -
  4. Thank you Gundorph, but my skills in photography are even better. You can´t see my mistakes on my pictures .
  5. Hello community! Another update from me. I´ve just finished the planking of the hull. On the first pictures you can see how I sketch the way of the future planks before I cut and build them. I tried to build this side similar to the first one. That means I look for every single plank and try to copy it. That does´t work in every situation. So if you search for mistakes, you will find some :-). But after all I am quite happy with the result. I hope you like it too! Now I´ve started with the stern. I don´t want to use the pre-built parts of the kid. There are some reasons for this: first of all: as you already know, I don´t want to paint my model. So it would not look well to use the sheet parts. I prefer to make them for myself using different kind of wood to imitate the colour. The second reason is: I like to do this. Even if that means that the result isn´t as perfect as the original parts. We will see how this works. I keep on searching for your build-logs to get ideas and to see what is possible to do. (special thanks to shihawk: even if I didn´t wrote in your topic... I am a big fan of your work!!!) On the last picture you can see that I just have started to build new frames on the windows. - Heinz -
  6. Hello Steve, I will not use the copper. I want to build it only with wood. Otherwise there would be no need for this eleborate work. And - as shihawk wrote - it wood be a shame to copper over it :-). However my decision has the consequence, that my Victory is not historically correct. Her hull was covered with copper plates. I have taken a long time to think about this problem. On the one hand I would like to build it as correct as possible. On the other hand there is the fact, that I am not an expert in modelship building. That means that my skills and tools are not outstanding like Alexandru´s are (look at his Victory at this forum and you know what I mean) and I don´t have the knowledge about shipping at this age. I have some books - amongst other "the anatomy of Nelson´s ships" from Nepean Longridge. But this book is written in english and very hard to understand for me. What I want to say: I´ve realized very soon that I have to make compromises. In case of doubt I will make it the way I like the most. And I don´t like the copper plates in my kit! I had the same problem wit the yellow stipes on the hull. I know they don´t follow the planks. I have to make the decision if I want to paint them correctly or use yellow wood. I prefer the yellow wood, knowing that the stripes are not historical correct now... Steve, if you are searching for another practise to improve your german... you could translate "the anatomy...". This would be a very welcome help for me . I am just joking... Thank you so much for your compliments and interest in my topic!!! - Heinz -
  7. Once again, many thanks for the nice words. @seamy: this pictures are for you . I wouldn´t have posted new pictures at this time. @david: yes, I want to build it without painting the wood. I will also try to work with different kind of wood to get the same results.
  8. Hello Carimb, yes, Ive planked it with walnut 4x1 mm. Then I´ve stamped spaces in the planks using an old little screwdriver and a hammer and filled them with black wood filler. This make the wood look old and point out the single planks (I hope you understand me...) Yes, shilhawk, I am still building my victory. But beside my work and my sport it goes sooo slowly. But the result make me forget the time. And I am really glad that experienced people like you like my work. Thank you so much!
  9. Thank you so much, Nils, this really means a lot to me!!!
  10. Hello everyone! Another update from me. I know it tooks me a long time to do the planking of the left side of my victory. But I have to say that I am quite happy with the result. What do you think about it? The challange will be to build the other side similar to it. If I don´t get it I can still copper it...
  11. Hello everyone! Another update from me. I know it tooks me a long time to do the planking of the left side of my victory. But I have to say that I am quite happy with the result. What do you think about it? The challange will be to build the other side similar to it. If I don´t get it I can still copper it...
  12. Unfortunately, my father can not build shipmodels anymore. He is 73 years old and by various diseases no longer able to hold small parts or edit them. @latestarter: If your health allows, I would start to build a model immediately. We all do not know how much time we have in life. And if you are unsure, you can also start a smaller project like a cutaway model of Victorys mast, for example. Don´t waste your time in thinking what could have been. Just start and let´s see how far you get. I guess you have much more time to build a modell than I have. I can only practise in the evening or weekend after work. I am sure you will pass me very soon. And that means I can get your advices in the future...
  13. Thank you again. Your opinion means a lot to me. And without the many suggestions that I win in your posts, my Victory would look different today - if I had started it at all. This Victory is the third model that I started. Previously, my father built model ships and I have taken the love for this hobby from him (shown below the Friesland he recently built. You can see her now in my living room). My first attempt was the San Felipe. I loved this ship, until I found out that she has never existed. I've read that it was a mixed from the styles of different nations. It's like you make a model car from Porsche, VW, Mercedes and Ford together. It looks like a ship. But nothing more. I made a lot of mistakes when planking the hull. And every time I wanted to remove the wrong thing, much is broken on her. Sometime I wasnt able to save her at all.The hull was totaly damaged. I chucked everything. After 1 week in which I could only think of ships, I bought the construction set of Le Tonnant. I wasn´t really interested in this ship, although it looks very nice in the catalog and she wasn´t too expensive. However, it has never sparked my enthusiasm. But before I would start another expensive model like the Victory, I wanted to try different things that I have seen on the internet (and here in the forum). The Le Tonnant was a test. I made mistakes again, but also learned a lot that I have already implemented at the Victory. Last year I coundn´t resist her anymore, so I ordered the Victory. The fact is, I still have not built a model to the end. So I consider myself a beginner. It will certainly come many problems that I have never felt busy. I hope that this forum will help me at this point. On the one hand with your valuable advice, on the other hand with the added motivation that you give me.
  14. Thank you for the nice compliments. I see myself still as a beginner who is learning a lot from forums and from the Internet. Shihawk: You've also provided photos of your model online? If we have the same ideas, I would like to also see your solutions ...
  15. Now I have all gunports closed and start the planking on the other side. Hopefully I manage this site just as good. I got a little scared. On the other hand, I know now how it goes.
  16. Thanks for the nice words. I am very happy because I was absolutely unsure if ever someone likes what I do. I have not so much experience and try a lot without knowing whether it succeeds. As you can see, I have now closed the first piece doors. Again, I used walnut strips for this purpose. I have it installed so that they protrude half a millimeter. So they are not flush with the planking of the ship. I know that this is not quite correct. But I think that they are now better seen as gates.
  17. As you can see, I've come a lot further. I'll edit the gunports partly because I'm still not satisfied with them. And then I have to think about how I will make the flaps. I just got delivered just new elderberry wood. Unfortunately, the new wood looks more green than yellow. I have my dealer wrote an e-mail. I hope he can help me here.
  18. Now I have started the second planking. Since I do not work here with color, but with different types of wood, the gradient can not be like the original. I suppose but gladly accept. At the present time I am a bit further than in these photos. However, I have rebuild a few things again, because I was not happy with the way of the planks. Coming soon I will show you the result.
  19. The rear area with the preparatory work. I have enlarged the window because I dont want to use the attached window frames. I would prefer to install own builded frames of wood. I am thinking here of thin oak strips that I stain bright. In the side galleries I've already installed a foil instead of glass.
  20. The middle deck I planked with the accompanying Tanganyika wood. I have always left a small gap, and this sealed with a black putty. This is supposed to represent the caulking. Although the timber has been coated previously, some residue remained on the surface are. That was not planned, but gives the whole a very nice old look.
  21. I bought elderberry wood, as this has a natural yellow coloring. This I will use for the inside and the outer planking. The contrast with the walnut I really like. But see for yourself ...
  22. They asked me to write my posts in English. This is much harder for me than to build the Victory. After I built the bottom deck and the entrance area, I built the side walls inside and painted with color. I had the sides painted several times until the color really covered. The walnut wood is still very dark and shining through quickly. I did not like the result. If I build a modelll of wood, then I would also like to see the wood. Otherwise, I could also build a model of plastic. So I bought new wood and torn down the sides again.
  23. Mit den vorgefertigten Teilen mit den Stückpforten hatte ich einige Mühe. Das Biegen fiel mir sehr schwer, so dass sie sicherlich nicht so genau angebracht werden konnten, wie es der Plan vorsah. Das hat natürlich zur Folge, dass die Stückpforten auch nicht perfekt ausgerichtet waren. Wie ihr an den Fotos sehen könnt, habe ich mir daher die Mühe gemacht, jede Pforte neu auszuschneiden und einen Rahmen einzusetzen, auf der die geschlossen Klappe später einmal aufliegen soll. Viel Arbeit, die ich unter die Rubrik "Lehrstunden" verbuche. Aber egal. Der Weg ist das Ziel...
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