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Everything posted by complexpack

  1. So i decided to try something on this ship . I read that the decks of ships were covered in tar then removed to seal the deck which would leave some black streecks on deck , so i took a 8H pencil and marked the side of each planks ....i think it looks good ! Decks ....done !!! Voila !
  2. Thanx i am learning the names and yes its fun but its still my first ship and im missing some documents so i did put it aside and started an other one AKA La Niña ill absorb some experience from a couple other ships before retirning to the Santa Maria !
  3. A did buy that book and a couple more ! Thanx for the advice 😆
  4. Ship 2 of my 3 ship collection ! Still working on the Santa Maria and wating on a book to better onderstand rigging so ill start this one whill waiting Wish me luck seem's like an easy ship to build
  5. Hey Rick01 thus may sound crazy but the shrouds starting point and finishing is ?! Eyehole start with knot but dont know where to finish !
  6. Thanx for info but i think thers some plans missing as what i have says not much !
  7. Ou au Quebec te trouves-tu je suis de l'Outaouais j'aimerais bien et je me sentirais previlegié de pouvoir voir ca de mes propres yeux !
  8. I started this build 6 years ago, got the hull bone and then stuff in life started ! Now my kids are 18 and 17 i finaly have time on my hands .....yay ! So i dicided i'd start builing again , since my restart ive spent about 20 hours on my ship i'll poste pics tonight . Cheers André
  9. My name is André F.
  10. Ok so the roockie is at it again ! Im getting ready to rigg my masts on the Santa Maria for the very first time im not quite sure how to and where to start i need you guys to hold my hand ! Any tip or trick i need to know anything i must do that is not on the plan ....mind you all the plans ar'nt that great !
  11. Ok thanx guys so if im corect i should drop the ropes in the holes and not worrie about them !
  12. So ok im new to hobby and to group so not realy sure on where i should be asking my questions ! Here goes on my picture ropes 122 are droping in holes 83 , where in the wolrd are they going ? I understand the logic of the end going to the anchors but side droping in the holes ??? i just dont get it !
  13. Hey guys thanx for leting me in ! Im new to the hobby , I'm 43 male french Canadien looking for tip and tricks . Im still working on my first ship the Santa Maria ( Artesania Latina ) rigging plans sucks by the way ! I all ready have in hand my second third and forth ship to build ! Pinta , Nina and the San Francisco II ! Looking forward to chat with you guys as i'll have a tone of questions !!!!
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