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About Larry_D

  • Birthday 05/21/1952

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  • Location
    Rochester, New York
  • Interests
    POF sailing ships, Colonial U.S History, woodworking

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  • Yahoo

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  1. Allow me to introduce our model ship group to you. We are located in and around Rochester NY. We are a small group that was founded in late 2015. We have members in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Florida, and even one in Lisbon Portugal. We meet monthly and through the Zoom application we have been able to include our more distant members. You can learn more about us by visiting our web site modelshipwrightguildwny.org.


    We have located you through the “Community” drop down function on the Model Ship World forum and are reaching out to you to explore your possible interest and participation in a lively and talented group of modelers from all walks of life.


    Generally, sessions are structured with introductions of visitors, followed by a brief business segment and then we almost always have a central presentation topic or two ending with a show and tell of group models. The sessions usually last two hours.


    So you are invited to visit us (via Zoom) this Fall and see what we are all about. You might find us interesting enough to join us on a more consistent basis. Please PM me back and I will put you on distribution for our Fall schedule when released.


    We will not badger you beyond this outreach if you are not interested.


    Hoping to hear from you.


    Thistle17 on MSW (Joe)

  2. I had a similar problem with my screen going dark every 30 seconds or so. It turned out to be the monitor. Found out by plugging in one that I knew worked. Larry Davis
  3. One thought on the mast. It may be that the knots were not so visible when made. After being submerged for 200 years, the wood cells swell being waterlogged. Once the wood is exposed to air, the cells of the softer wood collapse, leaving the harder knots more prominent than they would have been when the mast was new. The knots may have been noticeable due to color differences, but probably not as prominent physically as they are now. Larry Davis
  4. I have a used Ryobi, and placed a thin plywood table on it after realizing the table was slightly bowed up on one side. It may have been dropped. The level was just a small fraction off, and could not be noticed by eye. It only caused a problem when cutting from that one side. I initially thought my cuts were not square because I bent the blade while pushing too hard. It was only when I put a steel ruler across the table that I saw daylight. ( The only reason I was doing that was in trying to replace the plastic insert which was causing it's own problems.) Larry Davis
  5. I read somewhere, a long time ago, ship builders used to harvest wood in the winter because it had less sap thereby aiding in drying. Larry Davis
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