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Posts posted by 4whelr

  1. Russ, Thank you for the kind words and the information! I will let the paint harden off for a few days before applying the Polycrylic.


    JPett, Thank you for the tip! I will file this one away for use in the future. Such a simple way to avoid this problem! I'm glad I don't have to spend many hours of trail and error to avoid the bleed over!!


    This is why I love this site. All the member's willingness to help those of us who are just starting out!

    Thank you so very much!! :)


  2. I am going to show warts and all in this update. I marked my waterline,  taped off the hull and painted it.

    Unfortunately my tape job was not as good as I thought it was. When I removed the tape I had experienced bleed over and I had a paint build up between the two colors! Why yes that "S" on my chest doesn't stand for superman. Suppose it must be for "Stupid Man"!



    I sanded it all down.


    I then re-taped and repainted. Turned out better the second time around.( I placed the unfinished cabin and hatches on the deck just to get and idea how it will look with them in place.)



    Now I have a question. It is my intention to let the paint harden off for no less than 24 hours. I intend to sand lightly and put on a couple of coats of MinWax  Satin Polycrylic. I want some type of protective coating on the acrylic paints.  Is this a good idea or is there a better way to protect the finish on the hull?




  3. Lawrence - Thank you. Have been enjoying watching your build! Looking really good. Doing very little outside work here. Has rained all but 3 days in July.


    JPett - Alcohol may not fix the mistake but it sure takes the sting out of finding it and stops the constant self flagellation over making it! ;)  BTW glad you haven't painted your treenail work!


    Nigel - Thank you! So true! That mistake is all I could think about after finding it! Have enjoyed following your build also! It looks really awesome! :) 

  4. Russ - Thank you! I may be slow but I am learning from you all! ;) Most of the skills I am aquiring are due to information shared by other members of the forum!!


    Sjors - I think the little guy wants a drink and not coffee. He said something about going out for rum and wenches when I was cleaning up! :D


    Randy - Thank you! I am taking everyone's advice and taking my time trying to get it right. Of course I blame everyone on this forum for this need to get it right. After seeing all the beautifully done builds on here I had to really up my game!!!! :)



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