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Doug McKenzie

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Everything posted by Doug McKenzie

  1. The aft house is now completed. It was constructed and trimmed pretty much identically with the mid-ship house so few construction photos are shown. In the following photo, the 4 walls of the aft house are shown tucked into the quarterdeck. Then the completed aft house is shown first facing aft and then facing forward. The planked quarterdeck is next followed by the completed aft house nestled into the quarterdeck. None of the internals of the aft house are being shown whereas some of the internals are shown of the mid-ship house. The reason for this difference is that the mid-ship house played an important role in trying to answer the question, "Did Leon's crew berth in a fo'c'sle or in the mid-ship house." There is no definitive answer but I feel the preponderance of evidence suggests they were in the deck house. It seemed reasonable to show that the deck house could actually serve this function so this is why I show the the 3 double bunks, the cook's "stateroom" and the galley and mess. This was particularly important because the size of the mid-ship house that I modeled was smaller even than Underhill's - 12.5' long compared to Underhill's 15' long. The 12.5' figure comes from an 1880 construction sheer plan.
  2. Et Al - Thanks for your creative contributions. I take this moment to announce that I am going to remove the mast hoops / mast bands / muffler belts / whatmacallit / gronicles from the heels of both the foremast and the main mast. My motivation for this is Bob's comment "I've seen my share of mast heels, a few in larger vessels and I've never seen one with a metal band around them" In addition no one else mentions ever having seen them. Since Leon is unlikely to have had a coaked mast, the rings are now history - they were my second exercise in silver soldering so they still had value. Bob, this is the second time I've followed your lead - the first was with the likely use of a built up mast step for Leon - I just hope that you are not a roboNRGMSWmember giving random answers to questions! Thanks all, Doug
  3. Bob, Your answer has applicability far outside the nautical world. Therefore I would like your permission to quote you in fields far astray. For example, if my wife asks for the potato masher (we have three types of them in the drawer). then I can respond with Do you want the gronicle or one of the other two, And she can respond in kind when I ask her for a wrench. Thanks, Doug PS on a related subject was this iron ring standard issue on ships of all sizes and origins?
  4. Underhill described (in book on Leon) an iron band around the heel of a mast presumably to prevent splitting. So I put these on (see picture below) Then I tried to find out what these iron bands are called. I used my modest ship library and the internet to make a pretty thorough search and came up with nothing. Not only did I not come up with a name, I didn't come up with any references to these iron bands at all. Therefore I am wondering were they used all that frequently. Any info on these bands will be much appreciated. Doug
  5. The Indian Rosewood trim has been added The bunk beds are assembled separately. and then inserted in place The roof beams are installed and a few roof planks are placed. You can also see the flue pipe for the stove. The roofing is completed taking into account the need to see the internals of the deck house
  6. Sailor1234567890, Is it possible that your location, Shubenacadie NS, is the same Shubenacadie that is about 18 miles up river from Maitland NS? My grandfather grew up in Maitland and watched several ships built there. He even used to tell about being in the saw pits. I totally agree with "sweet pretty little thing" I am very pleased so far that her appearance doesn't seem to have suffered much from my modest woodworking skills but rather she has a sort of rustic appearance which I suspect is not too far wrong. Are you working on a build? Regards Doug
  7. Now we tackle the main deck house. Many hours went into researching reasonable internals of the main deck house. The next photo shows the plan that I finally came up with. The beginning of the research was a thread called "Deck House versus Forecastle for Crew Quarters" where a number of folks discussed where the crew on Leon was most likely to have been quartered. I left this discussion leaning towards Deck House. One detail that needed settling was whether Leon had a Donkey Winch. If so, it would most likely have been in the aft portion of the deck house and reduced the living quarters significantly. Jeppe says that in all his research he never found a reference to a donkey winch on Leon. So we assume no winch. Another very important detail is the question of the existence of a companionway which would lead to a forecastle. Underhill shows one but remembering that his only primary source is the well known photo we see that even if there was a companionway it would not be visible in the photo because the bulwark would hide it. Using Crothers as a guide, the plan shown is proposed. It houses 6 crew and a cook. It honors the two very small windows in the forward bulkhead that are seen in the photo. There also appears to be what could be a door on the port bulkhead about one third the way aft. This would have been a very typical location for a door leading into the crew space. Underhill shows 2 doors in the after bulkhead but the plan shows only one because that seems to have been more common. The plan follows Underhill's 4 windows with sliding covers on the port and starboard bulkheads. So with the plan explained we can proceed to the construction. Horizontal planking - 1/16" x 1/8" (3" x 6") - is used for the bulkheads. The planks are edge glued. Following that, the doors and windows are indicated. The four exterior bulkheads are assembled in a steel jig that uses magnets to align surfaces in 90 degrees both in the horizontal plane and also the vertical plane. The four bulkheads joined together. . The two inner bulkheads have been added. The 12" high sill (almost black) can also be seen. This helps prevent sea water entering at the 3 external doors.
  8. Now we'll build the quarterdeck. Most of the quarterdeck beams will be half beams but they all start as full beams. The camber of the quarterdeck beams is the same as the camber of the weather deck. Most of the beams are cut out to receive the aft deck house. The forward most beam will be cut out as the last step as it provides temporary strength to the deck structure. The quarterdeck planked with Indian Rosewood, like the anchor deck, with a number of starboard planks left off. We'll come back to here after we have built the aft deck house. But first we design and build the main deck house.....
  9. Now that the anchor windlass is in place we can install the anchor deck. I haven't found the scantlings of an anchor deck anywhere but on a few drawings they seem to be the same as for the weather deck. This was a surprise to me since I expected the scantlings to be lighter. The final answer that I settled on, came from a single sentence in the DNV Rules for Wooden Ships (1970, page 30) where it says "Scantlings in Raised Quarterdeck should be as for Main Deck." Carrying this logic forward to the anchor deck provides our selected answer. BTW, we reference the 1970 Rules because an English translation was readily available. The anchor deck beams are shown in the next photo. The two diagonal pieces support the aft edge of the deck planks as well as the cat-heads. The anchor deck is planked with Indian Rosewood not for authenticity but to match the roofs of the main deck house and the aft deck house. My designer daughter, Katie, has been calling the color shots from the beginning. A little bit of the anchor deck beams are exposed in the spirit of maximum visibility. The deck planks fit snugly underneath the main rail so that the main rail serves as a covering board for the deck and the bulwark planking. We add the tapered cat-heads. Later we will install 2 sheaves at the end of the cat-heads as well as some iron work simulating the whisker booms. Now we return briefly to the Lumber Hatch (Report Post #58). The outline of the hatch was a very poorly executed item. Frank / Mahuna (Report Post #59) suggests a way of improving the item. He suggested using Scenic Glue mixed with same wood dust. It made things a little better so thank you Frank / Mahuna. So here is before and ..... ..... here is after - not great but a little less jarring.
  10. This is a particularly critical posting - covering the anchor windlass - because I used my tiny DIY woodworking lathe for the first time (in fact, first time using any lathe!) AND this is also my first time using silver soldering. The pawl bitt has been installed for a long time and now it will support the strong back of the windlass.. The cheeks and standard knees are glued to the deck planking. The carrick bitts are also glued to the deck planking although they should have been carried down through the deck and bolted to a deck beam. The iron work is then installed. Typically, the hand lever is not shown in a model (but I decided to include it to make it a little clearer how this windlass actually works). I believe that installing this item now will not make future forward items more difficult to install. The two vertical rods, the purchase rods, transfers the turning force from the hand lever down to the purchase rims, the two outside rings on the windlass barrel. The center ring on the barrel is the pawl rim and prevents the windlass from reversing direction as the pawl from the pawl bitt engages the pawl rim. This last shot faces aft. I want to show the same kind of hardware on the bilge pumps but there the handles may interfere with the installation of other items.
  11. Beekmann, I do not know why it has taken me so long to notice that you did not put a companionway aft of the anchor winch and forward of the forward hatch as Underhill shows. I assume this means you don't believe that Leon had a fo'c'sle. I tend towards that same conclusion and I'm very curious as to how you came to that conclusion. I love your pictures! Thanks and I hope all is well with you, Doug
  12. Michael, Thanks very much for your comments. Bear in mind that I consider this question to be unresolved. But we do know some stuff that makes the question interesting. We know that Leon had a crew of 8 when she was finished in 1915. If maybe 3 of these were in the after house then the deck house would house 5. I've seen a few deck house plans the same size as Leon's that house 5 crew. Another point is that it is commonly believed that Leon was cut down to a schooner rig in her later years. We now know this is not the case and she ended her life as a brigantine. The confusion arises because of the Norwegian words for brigantine and schooner. I mention this because if she had a crew of 8 as a schooner she probably had one or two more as a brigantine. But since she was always a brigantine, we can say that her crew was 8. An important point that you make is in regard to the companion way. Underhill shows a companion way clearly and unambiguously in the plans. The problem is that Underhill only had access to the well known photo taken about 30 degrees forward of the port beam. The companionway, if one existed, would not be visible in this photo as the bulwark would hide it if Underhill's height was correct. To make matters worse, Underhill refers to the 'little fo'c'sle' - where he comes up with this diminutive we'll never know. In any event, I actually built a fo'c'sle with 5 bunks in the model. But then I realized that it's not a sure thing and I took it out - my wife says I just wanted to model a fo'c'sle so that's why I let myself believe that there really was one. By the way, I should mention that the 1880 sheer plan shows no evidence of either a companionway or a fo'c'sle whereas it does show hatches and houses and the pawl bitt and the lumber hatch! So my final solution is a little silly because it is self inconsistent - I kept the companionway as sort of a tribute to Underhill but there is no fo'c'sle and the crew quarters will be in the deck house which I haven't built yet. So there it is - a bunch of information, that in my opinion, leads to no sure conclusion. Doug
  13. Frank and Sailor1234567890 Frank - Thank you very much - I'm getting some of that glue that you recommend and will use it with sawdust from a sander.. If it works nicely I'll try to use an xacto knife to scratch out another rectangle that is less gross.. Sailor1234567890 - Thanks for the correct names I particularly like Navel Pipes. I'll edit my post. As far as the shape and position of the lumber hatch, I am following an 1880 sheer plan of Leon so maybe Leon is just different from most (as her diagonal hanging knees are).
  14. All the 'pipe' work is now done i.e. the port bilge pump pipe, both the navel pipes (the pipes that lead the anchor chain down from the deck to the top of the anchor chain lockers. aka chain pipes) and both hawse pipes. The picture below shows the bilge pump pipes and the navel pipes. The relatively steep slope of the navel pipes facilitates the smooth movement of the chain when it comes up on deck. The next picture shows the deck plates where the pipes come through the deck. These are 1" thick plates which scale down to about 1/64" To work with these thin pieces of wood I flooded one side with super thin CA to provide some strength. This permitted the 3/16" holes to be drilled as well as making it possible to enlarge the drilled holes with round files without splitting the wood.. For reasons, that I do not understand, the hawse pipes leave the hull about 2’ forward of where they should, so they actually touch the stem. This occurred during filing rather than the drilling of the holes but I didn't notice it until it was too late. I don’t see any way to fix this so the mistake will just stay with the model. The hull flange was formed with two brass tubes telescoping around the main tube. The main tube is 10” in diameter. I used soft solder since I still haven’t bitten the silver solder bullet. The angles both at the hull and deck were obtained by using the vertical belt sander and seemingly a never-ending progression of Does it fit? No, sand a little more. Repeat. The process was so inelegant that I haven’t bothered to show any photos of the process. I was pleased that from the bow, the two hawse pipes at least look as if they are nearly mirror images. On the deck, the hawse pipes end in deck plates that are 1” thick just like the deck plates on the bilge pump pipes. In all three pictures, the lumber hatch, the 2’ x 8’ rectangle, is clearly seen just above the water line. The scratched outline is supposed to represent the closed lumber hatch which I’ve been told is practically invisible on a real ship. A poor job was done here and I do not know how to make it look better so I guess that, like the horizontal position of the hawse pipe, it will just stay with the model. Any thoughts on how to clean this up would be most appreciated.
  15. The 6 kevels (aka but rarely used, cavel, cavil) have been installed with one mooring port. A kevel is a large, generally horizontal timber bolted to two adjacent bulwark stanchions providing a very strong belaying point for large lines such as mooring lines. On Leon this is 9" x 9" following Underhill. You can see the two iron pins (1 1/2" diameter) which could be used for smaller mooring lines and in some cases running rigging. To the left of the kevel is an inboard view of a mooring port. I'm probably going to model a mooring line to show how the kevel is actually used. Underhill shows 6 kevels in his plans. I understand the 2 at the bow and the two towards the stern but I do not understand the 2 at midships. There is not even mooring ports for them. Oh well, I included them regardless. The inboard view of the mooring port also shows the wooden chock inserted between the adjacent bulwark stanchion to ensure that the thin bulwark planking does not fail under strain. The outboard view of the mooring port, in the next picture, shows the results of two techniques from Underhill. The first is to let the thickness of the brass tubing serve as the flange of the port. The second is to make the port first from brass tubing and then fashion the hole in the wood to fit the port. The second is 'obvious' but I needed to be told! In the picture below, the starboard blackened bilge pump pipe is shown descending from the deck into the bilge. The next picture shows the treatment of the bilge pump pipe on the deck. I tried to find authentic material on the 'flange' but Tosti's Young America was the only one I found so I more or less followed his.
  16. Here is the completed main hatch. A member of the crew (5' tall) helps to understand the scale. The last 4 hatch covers (nearest the crew member) are wired together and not glued in place because I'm thinking of leaving 2 or 3 or 4 covers off in the spirit of maximum visibility, but I haven't decided yet. This photo shows all three hatches completed along with the completed rudder and the pawl bitt (in the bow). I used plastic striping for the pintles and gudgeons. Since that provides no strength, I pinned the rudder to the stern post at the lowest pintle / gudgeon pair. The fine wire (red and black) ends in a connector that allows the battery and the switch for the lights to be left off the ship except when being used. Before framing the quarter deck and anchor deck, Underhill recommends fitting the cavels, the hawse pipes, the eyes for the forestay. I also want to make a correction at this time. The bulwark planking for the quarter deck is supposed to be thicker then the bulwark planking in the waist creating a slight ledge which is actually quite visible. I need to double plank the quarter deck bulwark to achieve this effect.
  17. Allan, This is one of the more creative suggestions that I've seen. Unfortunately, I have already selected my 'unusual' modelling task - a Norwegian Windmill Pump (see photo). For several years I was afraid I wouldn't be able to model this thing on Brigantine Leon because I was pretty sure that it would only have been installed after she had been cut down to a schooner rig. Recently, however, I have learned that Leon was never cut down to a schooner rig and therefore she had the windmill pump as a brigantine. I'm going to model it so that it can be removed and displayed along side the ship since it is pretty dramatic!. Thanks for an excellent competing suggestion, though. Doug
  18. John, Thanks I didn't want to do something and have some one say "that's not the way they did it," So thanks again! Doug
  19. I am building a 1 to 48 scale model of the Briganteen Leon with much of the interior visible I would like to leave off some of the hatch covers from the main hatch but I do not know where to stack the ones I remove. If we imagine that they want to take a look see into the hold they might just remove 3 covers. Would they stack them on top of the covers not removed or on the deck next to the hatch. Silly question I know but i have no experience with these hatches. Thanks
  20. Before getting to the hatches, I just wanted to mention that I tried to make the pintle and gudgeons out of brass strips and failed completely. I've done very little metal work over the years and it shows! Bending the stuff cleanly was impossible for me. This probably means that I'll be doing all the rigging ironwork with paper strips unless someone can guide me to a way of learning how to do the metal work. Now on to the hatches. The photo shows the three stages of creating the hatches. The main hatch {temporarily installed) shows the completed coaming. The smallest hatch (the fore hatch) shows ledges installed to support the hatch boards (aka hatch covers). The aft hatch (installed) shows 3 of 4 hatch boards in place. Notice the single planks starboard of the main hatch and aft hatch so that the hatches are completely supported by deck planks. The original sheer plan shows the fore-aft position of each of the hatches, but it does not show the width. I could have used Underhill's proportions but instead I used his actual widths. As I said somewhere earlier, the sheer plan's placement of the hatches is 2' - 3' forward of Underhill's placements. Now we can take a look at the hatch boards in the aft hatch. We are using 3" thick boards roughly 12" wide which are first cut to length to fit the coaming snugly - shown in the top most board in the photo. Then a 6" hole is drilled at each end but not all the way through. I drilled these holes in a drill press with the hatch boards resting directly on the top of the metal jaws of the vise. I drilled gently until the bit just touched the metal. There was a small hole at the bottom that I filled with wood putty - shown in the middle board in the photo . Then a blackened brass wire was inserted into a hole drilled in the edge of the hatch board from one side to the other passing through the middle of the 6" hole - shown in the lower board. The wire simulates a 1/2" iron bar which is easily grabbed in the 6" hole. I'm not sure what I'm going to work on next.
  21. In this post, we show the waterway and an adjacent plank (called by the DNV survey Inner Waterway Plank #2). Some of the information in the survey is confusing - it mentions an Exterior Waterway Plank (I have no idea what this is) , the Covering Board is given as 6 3/4" wide (much narrower than a conventional covering board) and there is no mention of a margin plank. The Inner Waterway Plank #1 is 8" thick x 12" wide and thus can be taken as THE waterway. The Inner Waterway Plank #2 is 5" thick x 6" wide - no obvious name comes to mind for this. To my eye, the 12" wide waterway seems quite large so I made a quick comparison to two other ships - the full rigged ship, Young America, and the three masted schooner, CA Thayer. The ratio of the waterway width to the beam on the weather deck is 2.6% for YA and 2.7% for CAT. Leon's ratio is 3.6% - a third larger. This is probably another indication that Colin Archer built his ships strong since the waterway was a significant timber. It can be seen that I notched the waterway around the stanchions. This gives the impression of a covering board without actually including one. I did this because I couldn't make sense of the information on the covering board in the survey. Any comments on the way I handled this will be warmly welcome! Next, I'll be fitting the three hatches.
  22. Wefalck, Thanks for the thoughts! The whole descriptor for top timbers was " Futtock by covering board (top timber)" [This is a location for giving the dimensions of the frame] which doesn't really answer your question but I think according to typical practice this suggests that the top timbers were the stanchions. passing up through the covering board. Your suggestion about the quarter round rabbet allowing the 2nd inner waterway plank to act as a margin plank is creative although the carpentry of intersection would be pretty complex I think because joggling would be necessary and cutting a receiving jog in the 'margin plank' could be very tricky. And then a valid question would be why introduce the complexity. Hey, I just had a thought - what if they just don't mention the margin plank that would be inboard of the 2nd inner waterway plank. The survey might not mention it because it is not a structural timber. Oh well! In any event I'm not willing to do the jogging! Your comment about "most of the planks are sitting on the deck-beams and certainly not on the deck-planking" is of course true. I should have mentioned that the only reason I'm putting the two inner waterway planks on the decking is for simplicity and ease of execution for example the notches for the stanchions are less deep and hence easier to cut and have snug. I tried to find the FRIIS-PEDERSEN books but was not successful either on the internet or amazon. Any help here? I'm including a drawing of what I think I'm going to do in the spirit of " play around with the cross-sections of the planks to see how the puzzle might fit together." The covering board is, I'm going to say, sort of being represented by the top surface of the inner waterway plank #1. The Outer waterway plank is being ignored because I haven't the foggiest idea of what it is. I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether what I'm planning (shown in the diagram) will have the right 'feel'. #184 posts Location New Jersey, USA Report post #1 Posted yesterday at 03:02 AM
  23. Allan et. al. In reference to where dovetailing the deck beams ends into the clamp was used, Norway is another place. The 1880 DNV classification rules even make it sound as if dovetailing can be used instead of knees (seems pretty unlikely, but who knows!)- "All deck beams to be securely fastened to the sides of the vessel by knees, either hanging or lodging, OR [emphasis is mine] by being dovetailed or doweled into a shelf; the inner overlaying stringer and waterway being let into the beam." I'm not clear on what it all means, but it seemed interesting. Doug
  24. Folks, I have an 1880 DNV classification survey for brigantine Leon and I can't interpret some of it and would love help: Items identified in the survey: Covering board - 3 1/4" thick x 6 3/4" wide Outer waterway plank - 7 1/2" thick x 5" wide Inner waterway plank, 1st plank - 8" thick x 12" wide Inner waterway plank, 2nd plank - 5" thick x 6" wide Deck planks - 3" thick x 6" wide Top timbers - 9" sided x 6 3/4" moulded My thoughts and questions: What is an outer waterway plank? I imagine that the Inner waterway plank, 1st plank is a normal waterway. I imagine that the Inner waterway plank, 2nd plank is a binding strake. I don't think it can be a margin plank because I think those have to be the same thickness as the deck planking. The width of the covering board is the same dimension as the top timbers (moulded)- does this mean the 'covering board' is little segments meant to fill the spaces between the top timbers? How can a normal covering board be this narrow? No margin plank is mentioned - how do the deck planks terminate? In the absence of additional info, I am probably going to put in a waterway of 5" thick x 18 3/4" wide - 5" thick (not 8") because the waterway will be sitting on top of the deck planks rather than on the deck beams. 18 3/4" wide (not 12") because I'll notch out for the top timbers and let the waterway fill the gaps out to the inside of the bulwark planking. I'll also install a binding strake of 2" thick x 6" wide - 2" thick (not 5") because the waterway will be sitting on top of the deck planks rather than on the deck beams. This arrangement seems to me to be the easiest to execute and still give the right overall impression of what this area of the ship might have looked like. I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions on how to model this based on the survey information. Thanks, Doug
  25. The deck planking is well underway. pencil lead on the edge of a plank simulates caulking. Only the port side is going to be completely planked. I'm going to plank around the various openings on the starboard side so that the deck items sit flush all around. This view at the bow shows how the deck planks are carried between the bulwark stanchions. This will provide some support for the waterway which will extend all the way out to the inner face of the bulwark planking. We are making significant simplifications from the survey in the margin plank, waterway and cover board timbers. This will be discussed more fully in the next posting. Till next, Doug
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