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  • Birthday 04/15/1944

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  • Location
    Strasbourg (France)
  • Interests
    XVIII th Century war ships

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  1. Here, the beginning of my new project, the 64 guns Le Fleuron 1729 - scale 1/72 - French warship from Delacroix monograph it is a 1/72 construction based on the plans of Gérard Delacroix, A.N.C.R.E. Ed, that I will carry on without framework, indeed, despite the last progress of gerontology, my age encourages me to avoid works lasting 10 years or more
  2. An English officer 1.80 m sized, visiting for Her Majesty Sovereign the french top, 20 m above the main deck :
  3. Here I go at the end of a long and difficult project, the Saint Philippe, my first french war ship, is now finished : My thanks go to the many followers who have faithfully encouraged me along this complicated model
  4. More than the pair of arms of the spritsail, it is therefore the only one for which I am out of stock for ropes :
  5. Here are the three pairs of braces of foresail finished, all that remains to do is the two of the bowsprit :
  6. AS there was nothing interesting on TV? except nuclear war, I made the pair of braces of the foresail :
  7. The fore topgallant pair of braces and only four more pairs to put before we're done :
  8. Last step of built : five double braces (green colored on my pic), then, the Saint Philippe will be F I N I S H E D :
  9. After the easy braces of the main yard (in red in my photo), I shall rise 50% about the total of my last step :
  10. As in Sinbad's journey, I face the goddess with multiple arms, four already done (it will be the last difficult work) :
  11. Ten out of ten lifts done, including additions to the bowsprit, I'm coming to the braces (it was a long, long way) :
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