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Posts posted by Ozark

  1. Thanks for the quick reply el cid.


    So In my mind, the way I see it, is that every piece needs to be painted one color or another. Because I really don't want any plastic showing. Is that logic correct?

    When you say I should use primer on every thing I paint. Do I want to remove the parts from the sprue and clean up the flashing then paint it primer or can I paint everything on the sprue? This seems like it might be a dumb question, but i'm not sure about the best way to go about it. It seems that I should remove the parts and clean them up. but then I need to figure out a way to hold the part from blowing away, when spraying. I think I'm answering my own question.


    Thanks for the help, Ozark


  2. Here I have another unhappy surprise.  But I think it will displayed port side facing the front. 



    Imagna,   no it was a new unopened kit according to the ebay add. It did have plastic shrink wrap on it but that,s fairly easy to redo now days.


    Is it better to paint the hull haves before gluing them together, or glue it up and fix any imperfections, and then paint? Because right now I have it dry fitted and clamped to together and I can already see spots where I feel it's going to need some spot putty and other spots sanded to make both sides match? 

  3. Hello everyone.



    I am not an experienced modeler buy any means. I did do about 10 car models when I was younger. and then in the 80's I started this same kit, but never finished it.

    I'm 62 now, and think I have the discipline to get it finished. but I'm probably going to need help from some of you, so thank you in advance.

    Also I must say I am in awe at the quality of some of the ships on this web site. Just amazing some of the stuff you guys are doing. So depending on how this kit goes, I think I would like to try a wooden ship next.

    I have spent years sitting and playing computer games, with nothing to show for it. I had a good time doing it, but I want something to show for my efforts. That's not a pixel.

    Kit arrived early so here we go.


    The box art.20180915_111532.thumb.jpg.acefaebb50a683e1960479166ef884cd.jpg


    I almost missed this part, It was taped to the bottom of the box.


    I see that I ended up with these, instead of the other ones that I liked better.


    These were to the outside edge of the plastic bag and were damaged.


    The yard arms are slightly bent. Not sure on how to fix that yet. probably warm them up and add some weight to them to make the lay flat until cool?


    Well that's it for now, I'm off to wash parts, and try not to loose any down the drain. my plan is to use a plastic tub, warm soapy water and let them soak for a few minuets, then lightly, use a large paint brush on them.


    I hope I have started this log according to the rules


    Thanks, Ozark  


  4. Hello 

    I have questions on what type of glue to use on the Revell USS Constitution. basically where to use CA glue and where to use the liquid plastic cement. Oh and then there is the white glue. I just do not want it to start falling apart in 5  or 10 years. 

    I have read a lot of the build logs and it seems people are using different glues on the same thing. So I guess that's where my confusion comes from.


    Thank's Ozark


  5. Hello everyone. 

    Well the model ship building bug as has struck me again.  Back in the late 70's I first saw the Revell 1/96 scale model of the constitution, I just fell in love with it. It took a year or so before I bought it. I started it and was almost done with the standing rigging when I met a girl. I never got to finish it, but have been thinking about it ever since. 

    Well, after finding this and many other web sites, about model ship building. I have decided to finally finish it. So yesterday I ordered it. I will dedicate this fall and winter to building it.  My plan is to fallow along with Andymecks build log, and others.

    It should arrive this Friday, and I will start my build log after that.

    I am really looking forward to this,


    Also where do I post questions? I have a few questions about what glue's to use, Should I just go ahead and start the build log, and ask there?



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