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Everything posted by MikeU48

  1. Decks coated with 2 coats of clear semi-gloss poly. Will be epoxied (30 min) to decks tonight. Granddaughter over for the day. Just moved here from Florida and is working TWO....yes I said TWO JOBS. Put in 70 hours this week between Tim Horton's and Starbucks. I'm all her's till 8:30 pm. Before: AFTER: The LOOK I want but the pics are impossible to very on the horizontal. Even tried reducing the size of the pic in my photo editor but no joy...ARGH!!!@#^$% Edited 10-8 and fixed photo problem.
  2. Most ALL of the food I eat, Lou, is recalled.... in the bathroom.....ROTFLMAO!!! Sorry...couldn't help myself. Working on the oak veneer deck as I type. Second coat of poly applied. The goal is to glue it to the plastic decks tomorrow night.
  3. OC, Jim and Mark I would NEVER use rap and music together. Disgusting. Take me back to the 60's and 70's!!! THAT was MUSIC..... Lou, I really have NO desire to live into my 90's OR 100's. I live alone and my son lives in New Mexico. I love him and his family dearly but never want to live anywhere but in MY home. Nuff said Taking a short break as my next step will be putting the oak veneer decks on the plastic decks. Probably will spray a thin coat of clear semi-gloss polyurethane as recommended by HiSmodel before gluing the veneer to the plastic decks. Need to cogitate and ruminate for awhile...lol Oh and Lou, Thanks for the shortcut suggestion. I too use chrome. I've been on other forums that give you an option to start viewing at the end of a thread. A shortcut will work fine.
  4. Well, Lou , at age 70 I tend to buy things that my son and grandkids will use in the future. Who knows how many more summers I'll see... Nuff Said Don't anyone worry about airbrushing techniques as that will be for another day and forum. Off topic. Is there a way when I open my building log that I will automatically go to the last post? Right now I start on the first page, 18th post. Just a pain in the **** to have to maneuver my way to the last post. Thanks in advance.
  5. I think, Lou, most of us have had...well.. I mean have know of...he he he ... a Shirley or Laurie once or twice in our lives...maybe even a Monica...lol Nuff said. OK, guys.... YOU made me do it.... Did you know you can make extra money every month by donating PLASMA!!! Now you can teach me how to use it on these.....
  6. Lou and Jim, Thanks for the advice. Not a dumb question Lou. The only dumb question is one you don't ask. I was only following the painting instructions for the rear...excuse me..TRANSOM...lol...I'm learning slowly but Shirley (You remember Shirley???) The majority of the painting for the Conny is the hull AND transom and except for the transom I'm 99% done. I believe the acrylic paints that OC recommended are flat so that's what I'll do. Thanks guys...that's why I'm here...to learn
  7. Honestly Lou... it's a BIG THANK YOU!!! I love the stuff I've gotten from HiSModel AND will be ordering more. I was baffled by the spilt decking for the gun deck myself but most of it is hidden anyway. I'll most likely leave the parque flooring alone in the Captain's quarters because it will only be "visible" thru those itsy bitsy window openings in the back. Question on the pic below. As mentioned earlier the black plastic was partially dulled by ELO paint remover. My plan is to finish the painting of the scrolls and windows but to bring the background back to a matching sheen with the rest of the ship...What if I gave this a light coat or two of semi-gloss clear to recapture it's original black sheen??? Thoughts???
  8. My oak veneer deck came in as well from HiSModel (Czeck Republic...Thanks LOU!!!) SO I decided while I was waiting for the other slotted brass pedestal I'd read over the install instructions and get moving on the deck refit. Seeing the deck had to be glued together to install the veneer sheets I scratched my head trying to figure out how to do it. Looking at the instructions I notice plastic looking pieces glued and used as joiners. Hey...wait a minute...I've been saving popsicle sticks for months not know what they could be used for....WALA!!! ...this is IT... Seeing the separate sections of the deck are not equal thicknesses I had to shim just a few areas using some pieces of cut up cassette tape boxes. I carefully cut out the decks from the sheet and trial fitted them on the decks. They will need just some minor sanding along the outside edges where the decks were removed from the sheet. I only found one area by a hatch opening that needed to be opened up a little larger. 30-minute epoxy will be used to glue the veneer to the plastic decks. Went to the local hardware store but they only carried 5 min. Amazon... here I come. Will be here Saturday!!!
  9. Well people, I decided to take a temporary breaking from "trying" to paint. Seeing I'm close to mating the hull together I decided to order 2 slotted brass pedestals and a wooden base. They came the other day and this is what I got... I guess you have to order TWO PEDESTALS....lol At least it wasn't a painting error...lol
  10. Hey OC, One question for now as I'm sure I will have other along the way. What setting on the hair dryer do you use? I know paint need to flow so I don't what to guess HIGH setting... Thanks in advance
  11. Hi again OC, Thank you again for your suggestions. I know from experience that good brushes are paramount for any kind of painting not just models AND the same goes for the paint. Your advice is much appreciated.
  12. Hi OC Thank you very much for the painting tips. It's always nice to hear from a pro. Where do you by your acrylic paints? I've only bought Testors and a few Model Master brands. Same question on paint brushes. I know from painting in my home that a good 1/2" cut brush is the only way to cut the top of a wall into ceiling white. I appreciate ANY other advice you wish to share.
  13. Mark, Thanks for the comment. Lou, I take my pics horizontally with my cell. The pics get flipped when I load them here. I may try taking a vertical pic or two to see what happens. Back of the Captain's quarters. Slow progress. most of the gray primer done and first coat of white on the window frames. I noticed when I used the ELO (paint remover) to get rid of some paint smudges that it dulled the black plastic...Hum...what to do.... Edit: Just had to try several times to load the images before the program here got it right...lol
  14. I agree Lou. He does pretty well but I do have to read things several times....but then again that even applies to English now a dazes...lol Is there a way to post pics that I'm missing so they are not always verticle?
  15. Thanks Lou I appreciate that. Here's the PDF file from HiSModels for the install of the wooden decks on the Conny. 14 Use of the veneer decks.pdf
  16. The hulls are getting there. Upper and lower deck just need minor touch up then they are ready for the Oak Veneer Decks.
  17. Hey Mark, Thanks for your kind thoughts. I've been very impressed what the Items I've received from HiSModel. So far I received the oak decking, brass cannons, and wooden cannon carriages. I should be getting the sails and some other misc part by weeks end. Super impressed with the new decks. I've read over the PDF file that they send me but the broken English is hard to understand. I'm going to try and find someone on this forum who has installed these decks before. From everything I can figure out the lower deck goes on in two pieces and the main deck in one piece. I assume (which I hate to do) that the plastic decks need to be glued together before the oak veneer is glued to them. More research to be done. Still priming and painting the fine scroll areas to the hulls so progress is slow at this point. WIll post some pics later today I hope...lol Here's at least a shot of the oak veneer decking. I don't know how to post the pic on the horizontal. THat's the way the original pic is. Hummmmm
  18. Hey Lou and Jim, Thanks for the painting tips. The gold I have attempted to paint will be removed (Thanks to ELO) and primed. I'm in NO rush and I'm challenged to do the BEST I can. Lou, Thank you for your kind words. The lose of my sweet Nancy has left me beyond words ( but then again... I truly could write a book) We dated in college (1967-1969) then went our separate ways (Thanks to the DUMB adolescent I was). It was truly a miracle we got back together in 1989 and we married in 1991. Soulmates doesn't even come close to describing what we had and yes, I was devastated when she went to Heaven but happy for her. When God decides my earthly hell is done I will hopefully join her again. Off to priming I go. Thanks again guys...
  19. I understand the pain of losing a loved one as I lost my dear sweet wife almost 10 years ago at the tender age of 59. The quality of parts from HiSModel is impressive. Communicating thru email is challenging because of the broken English but I can get by. Sails will hopefully be here next week and I'm sure they will be outstanding. Thanks for the painting tip. I usually leave the bottles upside down but shake and shake. Using the paint in the lid makes a lot of sense. Thanks again. Will be posting some pics later for what they're worth...lol
  20. Sorry to hear about your Grandfather-in-law and the lose of the camera and the precious picture it contained. That happened to me once and made me back all my important pics on several external hard drives. We all learn the hard way at times. I have taken some build pics but just need to get around to posting them. The gold paint really doesn't coat well by itself so I guess I'll end up removing it and primering first. Lesson learned the hard way (reference the first sentence above...lol Got my oak veneer decking, brass cannons, and cannon carriages in the mail the other day from HiSModel. Pretty impressive stuff. Thanks for the suggestion sincerely. The sails and other minor stuff is in the mail. My bankruptcy is pending....
  21. That must have been such an awesome experience to be on both those historical ships. I can't even imagine. Thanks for sharing. Any pics of those to ships you wish to share? I'm taking a break from painting...my eyes were getting crossed. I'm coming to the realization that I may have to prime everything regardless of color. The gold just is so thin on the black....same with white....patience...I know Patience....
  22. Hey Lou, Regardless of the authenticity of your wooden souvenirs, it still had to be awesome to walk her decks.
  23. Well, Lou, I will be proceeding slower at this point as all the larger areas of the hull have been painted. Now it's the small detailed scrollings and the back panel. I appreciate the painting tip. I have a lot to learn when it comes to painting the small details. Taking my time will be important. Just received my cannons and oak veneer deck today. Now to research gluing the veneer to the Connie's plastic decks. Will be interesting, to say the least...lol Envious of your trip to see the Constitution. That must have been awesome and to come home with a part of history is wonderful.
  24. Thank you kindly. I'll check them out.
  25. Does anyone know where I can find slotted brass pedestals for the 1/96 Conny? Even a finished wooden base would be nice as well... Thanks in advance. Mike
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