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Everything posted by MikeU48

  1. Hey Lou, I just wanted you to know that the guy (Radimir in the Czech Republic at HiSModel) and I are now on a first name basis. My dentist said that with the price of gold being what it is that extracting all my GOLD FILLINGS might be worth my time. I sold my 2009 Silverado, disinherited the kids AND grandkids so I might be able to pay for all the ORIGINAL Conny parts that were stripped from the ship in the Boston Harbor.....lol Slow moving at this point as I have started painting the hull. I need to learn how to paint with a single hair brush I can see. Thank God Testors makes EOL (Easy Lift Off) to remove paint on plastic models. I may need to order a case.
  2. Hey people, I will have lots of questions on accessories to start with. That way they can be ordered ahead of time. Seeing that I will be starting with the hull (painting) where can I find a nice wood base and appropriate (maybe brass) mounting posts (hull to the wooden base) ???
  3. Any thoughts about glue? May start painting the hull in a day or so. Will leave it attached to the tree for easier handling.
  4. Hubac, Thanks for the Dremel tip. Will add that to my shopping list and decrease my G-kids inheritance accordingly...... he he he Lou, You have inspired me and for that I thank you. I will contact the seller on the canons and see what was in his mind when he offered 57 canons. I roughly figured they will be on the main deck once I figure out how many canons are on the main deck...lol Read through the instructions last night and I vaguely remember "turning pages". My plan is to read them over several times before I actually do anything. This build log will be slow as I'm not in a rush to screw things up. Ther partridge? Probably the crew's first meal....... Well... good nite folks and a sincere thanks to all...even you Lou... he he he
  5. Well Lou, There's NO HOPE for you. I was in the Federal Witness Protection Program until the G-kids were able to track me down. Never, and I mean NEVER, doubt the abilities of a teenager and a computer. After last night shopping spree (Thanks again Lou) future Christmas's, birthdays and graduation presents have been canceled. My one G-kid said it made more sense to him for me to sell my free and clear 2009 Silverado (only 56,000 miles on it) and just start using UBER seeing I drive so little nowadazes. I said the numerous trips to the hobby store might get expensive URBER wise but the verdict is still out on that one. Forget the funny nose, wig, and weird glasses.....they WILL find you!!! They are worse than the Miafia...trust me... You'll be GLAD to hear my shopping spree, thanks no doubt to YOU of course, netted me: The sails you suggested 57 brass canons...will that be enough? 34 canon carriages...same question as above An oak deck and a partridge in a pear tree...lol All from the guy in the Czech Republic All kidding aside I really appreciate the suggestions as I hopefully won't have to look back someday and say..." I should have gotten this to really make it look really nice." I know there will be a point that I will have to curtail future spending so as to NOT get ridiculous.... IF that is even possible. LOL Next stop, this week, will be to the local hobby store for paints and various implements of destruction. Any suggestions here guys? I have #11 Exacto blades and a headset mag light.
  6. Brass canons??? Brass canons??? Well...the grandkids get too much stuff from their parents for their birthdays so they probably won't mind me skipping their presenrs next year. Gotta order those canons before he runs out!!!! Thanks Lou. Sending the grandkids your email address...ROTFLMAO!!!!!
  7. Hey Lou, Did you know that showing me this and browsing their website a pics of the Conny that you just eliminated Christmas presents this year...lol I think I'm hooked. To me, the SAILS are an important part of my build. Thanks, seriously, for the suggestion. I will probably do it. I really need to learn the lingo for the different parts of the Conny as well as those threads on the sails...WOW!!! Thanks again
  8. Hey Chris I was just kidding. I do my best work under pressure...Ask the IRS...lol
  9. Hi Chris, I guess a Build log is showing my progress? Boy... that puts me under the "spotlight"...lol Sure...I like pressure...😏☺️😉
  10. Hey Lou and Robert Thanks for the replies. Lou, I would like to make the sails if possible without ruining the original plastic ones if I need more than one attempt to get it right. Just received my "box" and everything looks good at this point. I'll take everything out of the different bags tonight for a closer examination. I plan on reading the manual several times before I do a thing......well... I'll probably go to the hobby store for supplies. I have #11 exacto blades and a magnifying headset for close in work. I also bought a gooseneck LED lamp. I read Tamiya masking tape is good as well as nail files. I know I will need clamps but not sure what kind will work the best for the ship. HELP!!! again....
  11. Hello people, I'm brand new to this site. I just recently ordered the USS Constitution 1:96 from Amazon and should be getting it today. I built this model 40 years ago and decided that I wanted to do it again as a Winter project (and maybe summer too...lol). I want to take my time and really enjoy all the detail work that can be done. I'm a widower of 10 years now and need the distraction. I've read a few reviews on the Amazon site about the sails being pretty flimsy. Several people have commented about putting cloth or linen over the plastic sails and then coating them with a mixture of Elmer's craft glue and water to either make new sails or just an overlay. I was excited to find this forum so I can get some good advice/tips from other builders. If you can help me out here with your ideas and pictures I'd REALLY appreciate it. Looking forward to your replies... Thanks for any help or advice you can give me.
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