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Todd Hart

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  1. I was using my chopper to cut 56-11mm x 4mm x 4mm Ramen strips. I didn't realize after cutting the first 8 pieces that my guide was moving slightly so now I have about 20 pieces of varying lengths. The lesson learned is don't try to cut 4mm x 4mm pieces of wood with the chopper.
  2. Dave, Thanks for the response. I have thought about a build log. I do have the first two decks together and the other decks planked. If you ever start again on this kit, let me know. I might be able to answer some of your questions. Thanks for the response. I did check the existing build logs, again and I found the one by Dan Vadas. I found an answer to my question. Thanks again for the suggestion.
  3. Has anybody built this kit from the 1980's? I started this kit and had to stop working on it when I moved to another city. I haven't worked on it for 33 years. I am retired now and have started to work on it again and I need some help.
  4. I just finished repairing some damage to my Swift that I built back in the 80's. One of the Smokestacks is broken and missing. I've looked online for a replacement, but I haven't found one. Does anybody know where I can buy a replacement?. Also, while perusing this forum, I have seen pictures of different versions of the Swift and on some of the models, the anchors are in different positions on the front of the boat. I was thinking about not gluing them back down and leaving them loose. Is this a good idea or should I glue them?
  5. Mark, I live in Michigan, so yes, we do get snow. I am OK with not having an addition.
  6. It's been over a year since my last post in this thread. I ended up not adding a room onto my house. I met with the building inspector and although I could have added a nice size room onto the back of my house, we both agreed that the cost of the room would be a bad investment as I would never recoup the cost if I were to sell my house. All three estimates for a basic room were over $30,000. One was over $40,000. I asked the building inspector why the quotes were so high and he told me everybody is busy and they can get top dollar. I called a friend of mine in Florida who is a contractor and I told him what I wanted and he gave me rough price of about $25,000. He couldn't believe it when I told him about the one estimate that was over $40,000. It really would have been nice to have a new room, but will have to make do with what I have. Right now, I am working on a table in my bedroom. I am making some repairs to my first build. It's looking good again. Stay Safe and Stay Home.
  7. Thanks everyone for the great responses. I have to meet with the building inspector first to see about the permits etc. It's Winter here, so this project won't get started for a few weeks. I will try to post pictures of the progress etc. If anybody has pictures of their rooms, benches and storage, it would be great to see them for inspiration.
  8. About 30 years ago, I lived in a duplex with a basement. I had a hobby room in the basement that I used for modeling and I built my first model there. The Swift by Artesania Latina. I started my second model, the King of the Mississippi, but I ended up moving before it was finished. For the last 25 years, I have lived in a house with no basement or spare room for modeling. I was able to build a Campbell Scale Model of an Abandoned house. I worked on that in my utility room. It wasn't very big so it didn't take up very much room. I am going to add a room onto my house and it will be my Hobby room. I am going to have a large work area and plenty of shelves and cupboards. If you were building a room just for modeling what would you like to have that you don't have now?
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