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Everything posted by src

  1. At about this time based on my picture dates I meet my Future Admiral (FA). As sometimes happens a new relationship takes over your life, I finally finished planking the hull in August of 2012. Wales were next Then gunports Final installation of the scuppers Finally some stain
  2. After the lights came the lay out for the planking Then the dreaded first planking. My plan was to try to do my first plank as the finish plank knowing I could alway do a second plank if I screwed it up. I quickly found that a second plank would be necessary. Waterways were next Then per the instructions were the scuppers. At this point Russ pointed out that the scuppers were wrong for this type of ship and recommended a more correct style. A back and forth exchange ensued as well as some brainstorming on my end to figure out how to do what was needed
  3. I originally started this build when I was unemployed. It looked like a great way to keep my sanity while looking for a job a=in a really tough marketplace. I bought the Enterprise without much thought as to what it would take to build in the way of tools and time. It was May 6 2009 when I laid the false keel. Right after that I was rehired at my old company where we build theme park attractions. There have been many starts and stops due to work, but I have managed to keep a steady if not slow progress. I started with the usual fitting up of bulkheads Then the deck planking Then I got the idea to light the captains cabin More to follow
  4. Well.... as soon as I figure out how to post a photo...... Right now its off to bed Sam
  5. Rich, Carl, Yeper! Cant get rid of me THAT easy!!! I am like a bad penny, delete me and I just come right back. Ahhh work..... That nasty four letter word. Today was 14 hours, tomorrow the same most likely, then the fun starts!. Hopefully Monday I can go through some of the pictures I have from my build log and can do a real brief post to bring everything up to date. For now just a "here is where I am at picture"
  6. Edit 03/25/2020 I have been very humbled to hear of several new builders of this kit mention this build log as a reference. thank you, I hope it helps you out. That being said, at some point I threw the instructions away and began using Lees Masting and Rigging as well as Antscheral Fully Framed as inspiration and guidance. There are most likely many details that are incorrect for the ship. I used the building experience more to learn techniques to build a model I was satisfied with visually rather than an historically correct museum build. So, carry on and enjoy!! Well..... where to start?? Unfortunate about the hard drive crash. I guess Murphy lives around every corner. And to think I was going to save my build log before the change...... It could be worse, MSW could be gone forever or my actual build could be gone forever. I am working ridiculous hours at work, sometime in the next week I will get a couple of pictures up and start posting again. One thing I see that I love already.... SPELL CHECK!!!! Woo Hooo! Ok back with a real post soon. Sam
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