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Everything posted by Sevenof9

  1. I just accidentally stumbled upon a different scan of Steel's "Naval Architecture" on archive.org https://archive.org/details/elementspractice00stee/page/106/mode/2up It is not a Google scan(!) and claims to be the print version of 1822. Unfortunately still no signs of the corresponding plates. Of interest might also be the link to the "Phillips Library at the Peabody Essex Museum" one can find on the page above. Hartmuth
  2. There is another remark about chatter grooves in the same volume Clyde M. Leavitt;NRJ19(1972), 257 - 258, in a modern application.
  3. I do have the hard cover version from 1997 and in that version the table is correct. The table is titled 'Material and fastening of square frames'. It starts with "Alarm" and ends with "Lamplighter" in part 1 and continues with "Lightfoot" to "Young America" in part 2. IF you need I probably can create a copy of these pages.
  4. If one is more technically and historically inclined there is also the book by Lengerer and Ahlberg, The Yamato Class and Subsequent Planning. Not necessarily what one wants as a modeller but lots of additional information that could be of interest if one is looking for information about the actual construction, planing, and history of this type of ship. I haven't seen a mention of this book around here.
  5. You may want to look at bookdepository. They are meanwhile actually owned by Amazon but quite often cheaper, at least for me here in Canada. I got my copy of the AOTS Yamato/Musashi within the usual 5 days across the Atlantic some 10 days ago. There are some annoying errors in it, e.g. don't trust the scales. And some drawings are in smaller scale (but the description didn't change) than in the first issue. It is good to have both if you don't want to use a magnifier.
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