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Posts posted by lukashko

  1. Hey Matrim.


    I did soak the planks for quite some time, then shaped them on the hull skeleton itself, using pins and clamps to keep them in place and glued them once they were dried. I did not know how much I'd need to bend the tips and when I realised that "more than I had" was the answer, I did not have a good way to bend the very ends of the planks as I feared I'd break them.

    I will experiment some more - I probably just need to try how much I can bend the soaked plank without breaking and then work from that... And if the results won't be satisfactory, I'll look into benders.


    You are right that it starts to look like I'll have to replank the few I've already done to adjust the ends, so I'll try something new.


    Thanks for your advice - it certainly IS helpful. ;)

  2. Update! Yay!


    I started the planking process right after I posted the last update, but I only got to it on and off for a few minutes at a time since and my progress is very slow.

    I'm about halfway up on one side and just started the other. It is definitely far from perfect, but I hope with a bit of sanding and putty/filler I'll be able to achieve a smooth surface. So far I used whole planks, but I'm gonna need to do some cutting/shaping on the rest as it's becoming way too curved.



    The one thing I am afraid I might have ruin is the "nose". I think I didn't bend the planks enough at the end. Is there a way to shape just the tips to conform better and not stick out so much? There will be a "keel" inserted, but I still guess it should be tighter.

    Unfortunately, the instructions are very vague (including the pictures) and I'm unsure as to how to shape the wood in a more efficient manner...


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  3. Hello guys.

    I finally came around to starting a thread for my first ever wooden ship build. It's the Viking by Artesania Latina. I've actually started working on it about a month ago, but life kinda got in a way - I traveled a bit, got engaged, everyday stuff like that. :)


    First things first - I really apologize for any improper terminology - I am new around ships and English is not my native language. I'd appreciate being corrected, though - I'm always glad to learn something new!


    So, I finished the first couple of steps (the really easy ones) and sanded the ribs, prow and stern for planking. Here is what it looks like right now.



    Some detail



    What do you guys think? Does it look prepared for planking to you? What should I adjust?

    I'd like to do things right if possible (or, well, as right as I'll be able), so any advice is very welcome.


    Now, I'm going to research planking some, as the instructions in the kit are quite vague. :)

  4. Thanks again guys.

    I love how friendly and welcoming the modelmaking communities tend to be. It's the same for r/modelmakers.


    @pythagoras, really? Do you mind sharing some details? I'm actually Slovak, but I've been living here for a while and have friends from all around the place, so maybe I'll know your ancestors' home town. :)

    @Jim Lad Thank you very much. :) There seems to be a lot of guys from the antipodean side of the world. I hope I'll visit one day.

    @pontiachedmark Thanks for all the tips. I think I already have the mindset developed from building plastic planes, but it never hurts to reiterate - especially when I am excited about the newness of this shipbuilding stuff. :) I'll definitely try to heed your advice.

  5. Hey everyone!


    My name is Lukas, I'm from Slovakia, but currently live in the Czech Republic and am a total beginner at wooden ship building. :) My only experience so far is with 1/72 plastic aircraft - I've been at it for almost two years now and have a pretty nice collection already (I still consider myself a novice, though :)). In order to not get bored of the planes I wanted something different and fresh and wooden ships seem like just the right thing.


    I already started my first one - Viking by Artesania Latina (I wanted something relatively quick and easy to get my feet wet first).


    It's really inspiring to just look around here at all the wonderful stuff you guys are able to create.


    Anyways, I am looking forward to learning a whole new skill set and possibly creating something display-worthy in the future myself. :)



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