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About stevieshrek

  • Birthday 06/14/1966

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  • Location
    northern ireland
  • Interests
    model ships , fish keeping

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  1. Hi there, as i am sure you have discovered there is an instruction book. i have a spare copy and be happy to ship it to you. rgds Steve
  2. Hi Ray, Just wondering how you are finding the quality of the Diana kit against the Lady Nelson and Pegasus? I have finished the Lady nelson and am just starting the Pegasus , your build logs came in very usefull and was so pleased you took the time to put them back up. Rgs Steve
  3. Hi Ray, Outstanding work and great build log. I used your Lady Nelson log to help me with my build(she was my first) nearly done have been torn between the pegasus and mercury for some time now and have ordered both one will be on the shelf foe a couple of years i guess. Thanks again for taking the trouble to reload your logs...... looking forward to your first views on Diana when you get your hands on here. Rgds Steve
  4. HI Ron Many thanks for the pics , she looks superb. Well decision made i will go for the mercury (costs around the same as the pegasus) maybe a little easier on the rigging so maybe a better choice for a secound build. I will attempt a build log , maybe get one of the kids to give a lesson or two on uploading pics ect. Thanks again to all those who replied. Rds Steve
  5. Thanks B.E, I always wanted to build pegasus , lady nelson was my first build and used the forum to great advantage i agree the build logs are great especially for newbies like me, i did'nt have the confidence to do my own log (to embarrased in case it was a disaster) but she has turned out o.k. The mercury looks superb but as you say no logs out theer for help and tips , maybe i should brush up my computer skills and take the plunge , so many great guys out there like yourself to help me along the way. rgds steve
  6. Hi, I am nearly finished my LADY NELSON, and always planned on the HMS Pegasus as my next build but the Mercury has caught my eye, has anyone built or is building this kit any views or opinions would be much appreciated? Would the mercury brig a better next step than the Pegasus? Rgds Steve
  7. Hi Ray, Many thanks for taking the time to reload for build log, i had printed your full log of the the lady nelson which has been invaluable has i work on my own and has been a great help, peggy is my next build (a little way off yet) and again i will print the whole log and use as a manual and guide. Any plans for your next build? Thanks again Steve
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