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About noramatilda

  • Birthday 03/10/1983

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    Luonto, eläimet, nikkarointi

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  1. Moikka, jep, löysinkin täällä pari hyvää juttua seikkailusta, myös suomalainen pienoismalli.net tullut tutuksi ja muutamat mallarien fb ryhmät 👍 . Mukavaa puuhaa ja upeita töitä. I translated this. noramatiloda, this is an English language site so please use English. Hi there, yep, I found some good stuff about adventure here, also the Finnish model miniatalli.net got acquainted and a few fb groups of mallers 👍. Nice work and great work.
  2. Hello, I'm a new member, I build my ship for the first Amat Adventure. It's fun, but also challenging, because the instructions aren't very good for the first time person, and neither is my English, so I use Google Translator to get the most out of these pages. I would need more detailed pictures of how to place ropes and sails at Amati Adventure. Hi everyone and the joy of building!
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