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Everything posted by AlexBaranov

  1. Hello Alex M! You are certainly right and reported everything correctly. I have divided projects into three large groups. (Enterprise type, Amphion type, Fly type) All these frigates are very similar to each other (in a group). That's why I wrote it. (This is my classification). And it’s not a question whether I’ll build all this. Quite a lot of projects. At my age I may not be in time. It makes no sense to create a new theme for each new project, so all photos of all similar ships will be here. I think this is a good idea.
  2. Hello dear colleagues! Here is another Enterprise-class frigate completed. Most likely this will be the last frigate of this type. The frigate "Sphinx" 1775. Scale 1:36.
  3. Thank. I want to sell this masterpiece for not much money ...
  4. Completed the construction of the frigate Sirena completely. Scale 1:36 And I sell it. My price is $ 15,000. Bargaining Is Appropriate. It is possible to declare a desire to purchase a frigate and make a deal until August 16, 2020.
  5. Thank you. Good and correct words. The main tendency of my style is to be like vintage models. An abundance of specimens of which are presented in famous historical collections and museums. I try to keep up with the times long gone.
  6. Thank you. But there is nothing new here. My color scheme is a little different from the known historical samples (models) but I prefer the light spirit of the time (I make it a little darker, a little older).
  7. I continue to build a series of Enterprise-class frigates. The next and almost finished frigate Siren.
  8. Dear Eric, I seem to understand the meaning of your words. I must be thankful to the cultural heritage of my ancestors and Vedic knowledge for my attitude to life.
  9. Dear friends, colleagues, thank you for the high mark and kind words. I built this frigate in five months. However, I do not consider this work outstanding. There are eight more frigates of the same type ahead, and then six more ... This is the usual routine work ...
  10. I believe that few people care about what tools mastery is achieved. Mastery is not in the hands but in the head. Yes, there is a bit of digital technology but there is a lot of manual work. I also had to draw a lot ... This applies to decor.
  11. Almost ready. It remains to put a couple of parts and make a decent stand. Enterprise, 1774, Gregorian style. Scale 1:36.
  12. The work is not finished yet. It will be a vintage in the Gregorian style (without a mast, with hemp masts and a bowsprit). Appearance will do for 200 years of age.
  13. A little more and it will be ready. I hope I have enough time for one week.
  14. Hello. Yes, I built this ship. This is the second Standard that I sold to finish building with another modeler (this is his model in the auction catalog). My ship was custom built three times more expensive than auction prices.
  15. Thank. Vintage is generally a copy of an old thing with traces of exploitation and time. I copy the exterior of old museum models of the appropriate style. But without traces of exploitation. The new fashion "torn pants with holes" someone believes that this is vintage. I argue that this is simply worn clothing characteristic of the poor or low strata of society. This is not vintage but a substitute for concepts. Vintage is primarily a kind of noble antiques antiquity.
  16. The hull of the ship is made of individual parts cut on a CNC milling machine. Alder wood. Then the body is assembled on glue and fastened with beams and velvet. I did not take photos of a very long and monotonous milling process.
  17. Hello Johann Thank. However, your experience and skill deserve special attention. You are building very gorgeous models! In today's world of consumption, your mastery is rare. For me, building models is already an ordinary job. I wanted to build two identical frigates at the same time (Enterprise and Siren). But something went wrong ... Now I am building only one ship. I hope that in the near future the hull of the second frigate will be ready.
  18. The draft hull of the ship is made of alder wood. Fine cladding made of pink pear veneer. I made black veneer on my own from blackwood. This is the choice of saving money. Pear boards have a price of $ 24,000 per cubic meter. Pear veneer has a price of 35 dollars one meter square. For the ship, I use two meters of square pear veneer and only one pear board (100mm X 30mm X 800mm)
  19. Dear Brian. Obviously, the quality of the photos did not allow you to clearly see the design of the ship. The mast steps are carved from beech wood. In addition, the masts have different diameters. Based on your assumption, it would not be wise to make steps of different diameters from a plastic pipe of the same diameter. Confusion turns out ... yes?
  20. Yes indeed. On this page there is a mention of the frigate Enterprise. And this name is written through the letter Z. https://prints.rmg.co.uk/collections/ship-plans/products/syren-siren-1773-j6307 Perhaps this is what they wrote in the 18th century and the original name was left in the annotation. However, as far as I know in modern English, there is no such word "EnterpriZe". This word is now spelled as: Enterprise. I can assume that English as one of the young languages has a constant transformation. For example, in the ancient books of the 16th century, the modern combination of "TH" is written and read as "T". The change in pronunciation and spelling of some letters and sounds are associated with some negative factors that have occurred in English history. On the frigate that I am building now, I will write the name in the modern manner "Enterprise"
  21. Dear Rafał I assume that you are using drawings that I used at the beginning too. These are drawings of Polish origin. Very inaccurate, have a lot of mistakes. Even the name of the ship is spelled: "ENTERPRIZE"! Therefore, I bought a drawing of the same type of ship on the official website of the museum in Greenwich. It is better to use drawings from an impeccable archival source. Greetings Alex Baranov
  22. I begin the construction of two Royal Navy frigates: HMS Enterprise and HMS Siren. These are two frigates of the same type. Both models will be built in the classic Gregorian style using technology and vintage style (using artificial aging technology). The scale for the models is 1:36. These are quite large models with a maximum length of 1200 mm. A huge database of drawings is here: https://prints.rmg.co.uk/collections/ship-plans/products/syren-siren-1773-j6307
  23. Hello. Yes, I first built two identical ships. But then he sold one of them unfinished to another modeller who completed the construction. Both bodies were cut from nine parts on a CNC machine. Pre-prepared 3D model of the shell.
  24. Thank. Of course, it was possible to build in more detail and put a lot of small details that I missed on this ship. If I did that, the ship had a completely space budget.
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