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  1. Thanks Scott. Don't worry about the tardiness of your reply - quick enough for the pace I am going at. Kind regards, Ji
  2. Thanks Chris and Scott - that's really helpful. Scott did you remove the nails holding the deck to the false keel too, or were these nailed home?
  3. Another pic of my snail build. Progressed to getting the hold decks in place. And the bow filler piece is now in place. There is still a small gap at the bottom of the bow filler but not an issue any more. The hold decks didn't fit as per the kit so I had to do a bit of adjustment and cut a small slot in the false keel so that they could be maneuvered into place. I'm finding that solving these little issues (and mine have been petty so far compared to others I have read about) is actually a really satisfying aspect of the build. Now, a couple of dumb questions for the next part of the build. The instructions say to nail (and glue) the decks to the false keel. It doesn't mention pre-drilling - should I? Also it says to glue to the frames but doesn't mention nailing to the frames. So can I assume that gluing is sufficient. I thought I saw another build where they were nailed - can't find it now. Cheers, Ji
  4. Thanks Ron I really appreciate your response. As a newcomer to the game it's really encouraging to be able to share one's apprehensions. The bow filler piece in my kit was exactly the same as the one you show here except the top and spine bulged out significantly. I have sanded it flat as far as possible and have taken off about 3mm. You can see from the picture the part that bulged out. I have reached the limit of how far it can be sanded back. It is still a long way from lying flat. I also had to sand the tip of the piece back on the other side - it actually curved upwards. Cheers, Ji
  5. Thanks Chris I'll check what other sections are provided in the kit (haven't had a chance yet). It will tolerate sanding back a bit more I think, and then perhaps use a bit of filler if necessary.
  6. Thanks Matrim. As I mentioned the bow filler was markedly convex on both sides. This was mostly on the upper half of the piece and I would have sanded that back by at least 3mm to create a flat surface that can be glued. If I sand more off more it will start to reduce the width of the piece at the top. So far I have sanded back without effecting the width at all.
  7. OK. so against my better judgement and all sensible advice, given that I have never been into modelling previously (outside of a couple of basic plastic aircraft models for a Grandson) and have no knowledge of the nautical world and it's terminology, I am proceeding to build this kit. Most of my 'modelling time' over the last few weeks has actually been spent dipping into the many great forums on this site. My build is going to be super-slow as I read up on as much detail as I can find in relation to each tremulous step. First question. The bow filler piece that came with the kit (made of 'art wood') was markedly convex on both sides. I have sanded this back significantly so that there is now enough purchase afrea for glueing. As can be seen from the photo the bottom of this piece is never going to fit flush without a lot more sanding and I think if I do this the overall integrity of the shape will be lost. Is an option just to fill the underside gap and if so, how? Or do I just keep sanding? Cheers, Ji
  8. Wow! Thank you to all those members from my home country and much further afield that have taken the time to welcome me and encourage me. I really do appreciate the support. I have already learnt much from browsing through the various build logs. Sometime soon I'll order a new kit and with great trepidation commence a build log as suggested. I'm sure I will provide plenty of amusement for the experienced model builder - no laughing out loud though! Thank you again everyone for the great welcome and encouragement. I'm really pleased I joined.
  9. I'm new to modelling of any kind and the only nautical knowledge I have is from reading all of Patrick O'Brian's novels. I opened a 15 year old gift a few days ago (H.M.S. Endeavour -Artesania Latina) and made a few tentative beginnings. Wisely I read the cautionary note by Chris Coyle before blundering on further. I'm looking at a couple of easier kits, from Modellers Shipyard based in Sydney, and wondering what the experience has been with these kits. I'm especially interested in the quality of instructions provided, which with the LA kit (albeit 15 years old) are very basic.
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