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About alanroy

  • Birthday 04/17/1951

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  • Location
    West Chester, PA, USA
  • Interests
    Reading, target shooting, stamp collecting, modeling

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  1. Congratulations, Tim! If you think your posts are few and far between, you ain't seen nuthin' yet! The Fly is looking great!! Algae
  2. Well, here's my weekly post! Great looking work on the bowsprit and gammoning. I too would prefer the brown line, but then AMS would set in and I might go for the black/tarred look. As to posting progress reports, at my glacial pace, it will be well into the next decade before I make any headway on the Kearsarge. I'm one of those who keep pursuing more and more references!!! I have the BJ plans, and the minimal plans from the 4-part NRG article from 1999 - 2000, and am now after the as-built plans from NARA, whenever they reopen. Meanwhile, keep up the beautiful work! I may see you Tuesday, as I'm to meet Heather there at 10:00. Algae
  3. Always lurking, rarely commenting. That's me! For a first time wooden builder, you are doing fantastically! As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, small manipulation would come naturally. Wait 'til you guys see him rig the masts. He has trained spiders for that! It would be interesting watching a sailor sitting on the tiller housing, legs hanging over the stern galleries, and leaning out to light that lantern!! I do have a question regarding the swivel guns. I have always seen them with a handle on the cascabel to facilitate aiming. Yes or no? Since you have now sworn off plastic, guess I'll have to do my own Revell Kearsarge. I've finally located plans of the Kearsarge and Mohican, her sister sloop, as launched, in Civil War configuration, at the National Archives. I just have to wait until they reopen to get in there and copy them. The build itself could take a while. My last build was in 1998, an Essex-class carrier in Korean War configuration for my late father-in-law's 80th birthday. He was either the cat officer or flags, on the USS Princeton. I can't remember which. Again, great work, Tim! Alan
  4. And from the pictures, they appear to be barely thicker than the soles of the shoes of the sailors standing around. Back to lunch, Alan
  5. Hi there, Sorry to be absent for so long. I’m on vacation, and my iPhone was acting up. Had to finally fire up the iPad. Wow, flathead screws, 6” apart. If my math is correct, in 1/96th scale that would be a screw every 1/16th of an inch. Although I highly doubt you would even see them, being countersunk and probably painted black to keep the rust at bay. All the best to all y’all, Alan
  6. Hmmm, brass/bronze or iron. I wonder if different countries had different methods.
  7. Thank you again, gentlemen, iron it shall be! Painted black, of course.
  8. Thank you, Gentlemen! So the photo-etch shouldn't be a problem. I assume they were spiked down somehow. I forgot to ask whether they were brass or iron. I had always assumed they were brass, because iron rusts. But Blue Jacket (I think) calls out iron.
  9. Good morning, all, newbie here. I am building Revell's USS Kearsarge in 1/96th scale. I've come up with a question. I just obtained Scaledecks wooden deck, and they threw in photo-etched pivot gun tracks for the 11" Dahlgrens. Would these tracks have been inlet into the deck so as to sit flush, or did they stand proud of the deck? The kit has them sitting barely proud, and the photo-etch would do the same. Thank you in advance, Alan
  10. Good evening, Not a member yet, but soon! William Blackmore, owner/operator of Cottage Industries, also does a wartime set of cannons. Best regards, Alan
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