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Spooky spoon

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Everything posted by Spooky spoon

  1. I finished painting the pe, and I put a brown wash over it. There are a few rough patches, but I'm pretty pleased overall.
  2. Also, I was planning on doing some rust effects around the anchor, like RGL did on his Graf Zeppelin, but the anchor mount is very close to the water line. Do I have enough room to fit any rust in?
  3. The deck has been glued back on. I actually think that the fit is better this time around. I have some salt effects from ak, where are those supposed to go? ak's website says they should go around portholes or openings, but that is also where streaking grime goes. I am a little confused
  4. By some miracle I managed to work the deck off with my knife without damaging anything. I used lots of glue to secure the guns, and I'll let the glue cure overnight before I reattach the deck. I am very pleased.
  5. I've managed to get the gun mount out through the the large hole in the middle of the deck. I might try enlarging the turret mount, as the turrets are quite large, and will cover the hole.
  6. after having a look at it, I have concluded that getting the deck off without damaging something important is impossible. It was a really tight fit getting it on in the first place.
  7. I found this part, which is pretty much identical (from the outside), but I need a way to attach it without it being too noticeable. It also needs to be strong, so it won't fall off again.
  8. This is what it ought to look like. maybe I can replace it with some plastic rods, as only the barrels are visible because of the low light level.
  9. one of the guns fell out while I was gluing the deck on. It's somewhere inside the hull right now. There is no way to retrieve it because the glue dried before I noticed it was gone. if anyone has suggestions for a way to replace it I would by very appreciative.
  10. The deck has been painted, and I will add the wash to everything soon. I also started painting some of the secondary guns.
  11. Great work on this, it looking amazing. I think there is an error in the rudder, in all the pictures of the Yamato I've seen, the larger rudder is closest to the stern, behind the smaller rudder. I'm not sure if its possible to go back and fix it now, and I think it looks good as it is, but you may want to correct it.
  12. I'm almost finished taping the deck, and I've also acquired a "new" airbrush. It's a very old paasche airbrush (I believe that its from the 1970s). I've done some testing with it, and I'm very pleased with it so far. hopefully I'll be able to finish painting the deck soon.
  13. RGL was right, adding a brown wash made the colour much nicer.
  14. The main deck has been finished, but there is still much to be done.
  15. It is now time to mask the deck, which is probably my least favourite part of building any model ship. I'll post some pictures once its done.
  16. I'm using Tamiya acrylics. I've heard they're pretty durable, but I will put a clear coat over it before the wash just in case.
  17. I'm considering spraying some very diluted brown paint over the deck to make it a little less orange, but I'm worried I'll end up ruining the paintjob and have to start over again.
  18. I painted the deck using a 4:1 mixture of xf-78 deck tan and xf-9 hull red to replicate the vinyl decking on the real ship. It turned out pretty well. next I'll put a coat of gloss clear on it, and start masking.
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