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  1. Hello MSW: I would like to start a build log for the restoration of the ship France II. The model was damaged in shipping and I have done extensive work on it and would like to post the progress. The model was never a kit and and to call it a scratch built model before I got a hold of it , would be a reach. So, I need some clarification on where to post my rebuild efforts. thanks, Icarus24
  2. Such a beautiful work of art, love the lines of the hull and the attention to detail on the bench seats. Great work.
  3. This is an early thank you to the modelers on this web site. I will be pursuing the rigging plans that have been drawn up for this model since I am relying on the Preussen plans, a ship on the same era. And yes, I must concede that this model may in fact be a sailor’s model, but this model was given to me as a challenge. The France II may not have been from a established modeling company, but deserves to be restored to the beautiful lines that she was interpreted by a original modeler. Thanks for the hyper link to the French National Marine Museum. The photos that I have viewed show a gorgeous array ship models and beautiful displays; comparing it to a grainy photograph of France II from the early 20th century on Wikipedia. Thanks again to everyone, for I am relying heavy on artistic interpretation and had no place to turn to for information. regards, Icarus24 Builds: Billing Boats Bluenose Billing Boats Seeadler
  4. Folks I am in the middle of the restoration of a French 5 masted d France II. This model was never in the best of conditions and I have devoted numerous hours of pain staking work on this project. I have completed the deck furniture and I am getting ready to start the standing rigging. Looking forward at the running rigging I am anticipating up coming headaches. This is do in part because I have no rigging plans for this model what so ever. Yes, it is a monumental task and the closest I have come to what would be rigging plans of a ship of this era is the German ship Preussen. Does anyone have any information relating to the rigging of the France II besides what Wikipedia constantly tells me; which is just the history of this ship.
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