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Everything posted by Wreck1919

  1. Как ты построил платформу в мачте? извини грамматика 😎 саша
  2. Privjet Valeriy, can you share a picture of how you built the platforms ? cools stuff. Regards sascha
  3. Thanks for your comments guys. A bit of update: didnt like the capstans, so made new ones (brass/wood) plus the chain deflectors . Lashing chains (? English?) are now also there. Bit of work that as it required to remove the studs from the first two links of the anchor chain and then threading the lashing chain through it and finally getting small shackles through to fix it to the eye on deck. Will need to touch up some paint as it took uncounted tries. some progress on the bridge with some interior „decoration“, glass for the windows. Built the 3m rangefinder and made my first piece of railing/handrail. latest were the first bollards plus fairleads (rollers still missing) .
  4. Hello Wefalck, same purpose, different design (i think). manual operation though.
  5. Thanks for your comments Guys. Sorry for the delay, didnt check this page… wefalck, of course. I only wanted to try and see how it looks attached to something. will post a picture . Martin, thank you. I saw your Scharnhorst pelican hooks and tried to copy 😀.
  6. Thanks for your comments guys. Jan, still the same tools 😎. Jewellers saw, file and drill. As for the studded chain: my name is not Valery😬 and i dont know how to spell soldering - so no way me making that. That was bought. greetings sascha
  7. The linoleum on the forecastle deck is finished - its the smaller pieces that take forever. Other than that not much visible progress as its small parts now. Cheers sascha
  8. Thanks for step-by-step Lecrenb. Wondering why you make the frames in halves, but will keep watching/reading. Look forward to more. 👍🏻
  9. Thanks for the interest guys😀 mikegr, through a tip i found a company that delivers (mostly) precision cut wood in 1m lenght. So these are 1.5x1mm pear. Planks then cut to 6cm lenght (knife), caulking applied w black crayon. Valeriy, no worries j hope. Outside is fiberglass/epoxy over wooden frame, and inside just painted epoxy. Some areas in bow and stern reinforced with fiberglass. wood is btw balsa on (too thick as you mentioned😎) plywood frames. greetings sascha
  10. Thank you for your likes guys 🙇‍♂️. Valeriy, the answer is simple and no sophisticated background: i‘ve always built with wood and some brass as i didnt know different. Only learned last year that a company like evergreen exists 😬. With brass i can only do basics since soldering is rocket science for me and no machinery (lathe or mill). Jeweler‘s saw and drill currently. But all - i hope - wooden surfaces inside or out are treated with epoxy or similar so i hope that this works. The wooden decking has a triple cover of clear paint (dont know the exact english term) so that should suffice for occasionally getting wet (not sunk😎). Watching builds here and on a german forum shows me how much more there is to learn. cheers sascha
  11. Just a quick update. More work on the superstructure and then start to work on the trim. Some weights are fixed in the hull, as its tricky to grt to some parts. But anx „ses trials“ will have to wait until 2022. regards sascha
  12. Privjet Valery - always a pleasure to watch you phantastic work. regards sascha
  13. Thanks yves, i have to match with my skills (no forms making, no soldering etc) and machinery (fretsaw, drill).Both of which are somewhat basic. But someday i will upgrade 😎 .
  14. Made a bit of progress, air vent, some more linoleum decking and (almost) finished the boat racks . Just a few details missing which will follow later. happy weekend Sascha
  15. Thanks for the nice words guys. Hi Martin, am trying to copy your technique for the deck (and some others 😬). It is indeed a puzzle, and with a steep learning curve 😎. Also now wrestling with a problem with bridge complex, as the plan i have shows - i think - partly a different ship and then the plan author invented a bit. Photos i have look different. Will keep looking for answers (which is how i came to find this forum).
  16. And that is pretty much the status now. cheers and have a great week sascha
  17. And then the next linoleum puzzle plus breakwater.by way of experiment i wanted to show the hatch in the open position just to see if i can do it.
  18. Then i got distracted a bit and gave my building inspector a new uniform and tried to make a voicepipe from brass
  19. Thanks for your thumbs up gentlemen. Further catch-up. the next pieces were the boat racks (sorry dont know the english word). There‘s quite a few to make and most are slightly different. On top comes the consideration of how/where to attach as the middle section (superstructure deck with funnels 2 and 3) is removable to get some access to rc. I‘ve tried brass and wood and settled for „brass reinforced polystyrene „😎 . Another case of available tools and my skills. The ones toward the bow also had loading cranes for torpedoes but i left those away and only built the mounting for them. This because a) they would have been stored somewhere when sailing and b) they would likely be the first thing to be ripped off when sailing the model.
  20. Agreed valery .. also the frames are 5mm - way too much. But the germans were known for their strong build..😎, seriously: i didnt know better at the time and had the material available. Another thing to improve next time.
  21. Then my first try with making a linoleum flooring. The pieces were max 2x5m and held down with brass pieces. That translates to a puzzle.. (again thanks martin for the tip). then it was time to throw my machinery 😎 at making the portholes. Sometime i‘ll get a power-tool for things like this . Brass tube, then filled with epoxy. Just 120 …took me a while but its a hobby not a job. Oh and yes, (quite) some of them are not aligned. With practice that might improve.
  22. Some more catch-up. The bridge.Windows from old photo etch parts
  23. Thanks for you nice words chris. Next were bulwark, storage containers and the bases for the davits. (mmh text appears again?) struggling a bit with the software i guess. next the first funnel…
  24. Thanks guys - look forward to learn and copy 😎 cheers sascha
  25. Thanks for you nice words chris. Next were bulwark, storage containers and the bases for the davits.
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