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Everything posted by Wreck1919

  1. Morning all, further work on the foredeck with fairleads installed, starter for the capstan engine and (open) hatch. Also all barrings are now mounted. As a test i started rigging on the main mast and learned a lesson about what patience means😎. cheers sascha
  2. Hi all, i thought i had posted some progress,… but forgot. as my workshop is manual it takes time. Fairlead production continues, also made the (removable) tripod that is used to swing out the spar (backspier in german). cheers sascha
  3. As always phantastic work Valeriy ! Am always following your builds, but often forget to leave an answer or comment. all best sascha
  4. Hi guys, and thanks for your likes (if thats a word now) 😬. i continued work on the boat racks, fitting them out and giving them a coat of primer. Before fixing them in place i needed to understand where the various steel ropes go (attachment points) as those need to be made and mounted first. For this i needed to make davits. The ones in the photo are raw prototypes for shape only. Originals are H-profiles 320x320mm. also made the first two fairleads (? Correct translation). Those were not flat on deck, but on a u-shaped profile. enough text 😎 cheers sascha
  5. A very nice project, and good documentation if the work. Thanks, and keep at it 👍🏻 cheers sascha
  6. Thought i‘d post a „nude“ picture too, as it is/was originally intended as rc model. Which is why lots of the superstructre is such a hassle. I want to at least sail it once before winter sets in (read: before i make all the parts that i will most certainly break off when handling it🤪). Engine/rudder trial worked nicely in the trim tank.
  7. Thank you for your nice comments gents. Progress to report is: made some of the hawser reels (? Correct english?). As you can see the smallest one (6mm dia) shows the limits of my fingers🤪. 4 more to do. Also some railing both fixed (steel tubes) and removable (chain). The „chain“ is two very thin wires extracted from an old cable and then twisted. Happy weekend
  8. A little update after summer. Work continues with small parts and the aft cdo stand. The 8,8flak are 3d printed parts from micromaster. Still more to make but progress is slow.
  9. Thanks Nils - the upper bridge received some equipment. Handwheels and optics still missing.
  10. Thanks for your likes guys. Visible progress is slow, as there are now a lot of smaller things to make (lockers, skylights,..). And i made the 3m rangefinder for the upper bridge. cheers sascha
  11. Thank you for comments. A little update. Upper part of main mast is done. So to thing is basically complete minus rigging. A little primer gives colour. The foremast is also getting there. Spotting top needs a few more parts.
  12. Morning all, there isnt much to see in terms of progress as am working on small(er) parts and trying out things in the process. Re-making the boat racks thinner as i didnt like the old ones , starting to paint the dark stripe that was on the base of all superstructure and started construction of the main mast and spotting top (if thats the name). Currently wondering how to assemble lower and upper part so that they are exactly vertically aligned. cheers sascha
  13. Moin Eberhard, i dont have the capability /machinery to make these. Those are photo etched stanchions from Saemann. very good quality and service. cheers sascha
  14. Thank you for your comments 😀, a short update: to distract me from the „colour no more available“ subject, i made two searchlight platforms and more vents. Also finally the linoleum decking is finished. The small puzzle pieces take the most time. cheers sascha
  15. Just a small update (not much time to buil) .deck torpedo tubes were made (no machines, so couldnt make gears etc). Spent time figuring out were the big vent goes (middle of picture) as model plan with which i started the build is very different from builders plans which i got some months ago. Also funnels are painted. As you can see, the colour is different. Shame, because its the ssme brand&code but they must have changed the recipe… annoying for work going forward (eg touch up, corrections). But this will be „crew re-painted on board“😎. cheers sascha
  16. Well Valeriy, your work ist certainly interesting and absolutely AMAZING,… but helpful ? 🤪 you are light years away from where i am. phantastic to watch but „a little difficult“ to emulate 😎. cheers sascha
  17. Good to hear from you Valeriy. Outstanding work (as usual)👍🏻😎 sascha
  18. Thanks for your comments. The upper bridge/flooring is done as well. Of course all fittings still missing😎. But dinner awaits. cheers sascha
  19. Thanks for your comments. New lower bridge with supports is finished. The assembly was a bit nerve wrecking with the thin supports and angled deck, but it the end it worked. cheers sascha
  20. 😎 Valeriy,.. the sailor is to scale. He‘s my building inspector. Macro shots sadly show all deficencies… but here is a close up with him and the 15cm (6“ for our imperial friends). The curious black one is guarding the shipyard - Stanislav.
  21. Hi all, the past months i had quite some work to do, so not much shipbuilding. Also study of the original builders plans revealed more differences to the model plan i started with. Long story short, i had to re-start with the entire bridge structure (lenght,width, position of supports, upper bridge has addtl deck level, steel girders for support, etc). Some photographs… still work inprogress, loosely arranged for pics.
  22. Again a little catch-up. Steel cables holding the mast i found to be wrong in my plan. Were drawn as passing the bridge structure, but that would have them blocking the LoS of the 6 in gun. Photo study showed they pass through the bridge…took courage and care to drill the holes without wrecking it. (Mast is just temporary for angle). Also started on the ammunition rails. cheers sascha
  23. 🤪..yes. By the same logic playing the piano is easy: simply push the key with your finger - and voila - sound 😎
  24. Да , ты всё понял. Спасибо. and the construction of the plaform is your „usual“ soldering magic 👍🏻😎 very impressive. С.
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