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Everything posted by Douglove

  1. Well got the dory done,will post some pics tonight.started on the lobster boat now.
  2. Also ordered some rope from syren models,darn if i could get the kits rope to go though those tiny holes.doug
  3. Ps my picture taking is just awfull.need acouple more coats of paint.can anyone see anything wrong.one of my seats is crooked i see.doug
  4. Had day off today,model is going together very nice.had to redo transom.i messed it up.should have painted before adding the seats
  5. Uggh,work and kids afterschool stuff been takingup my hobby.havent been able to do anything.sorry folks
  6. Ok ty folks
  7. Not sure if i can ask this or not but which company makes the most complete kits and instructions.ty doug
  8. Looks very nice so far,big task for a first build but your doing great.waiting for my first kit to come.not as big as yours.its the dory from model shipways.doug
  9. Wow,it looks great.hoping to have your level of craftmanship one day.doug
  10. Not i can do a log like some the guys here,mostly i will follow the kits steps and take pics of each step as i go.
  11. Ty,you all seem like nice folks,my kits and tools should be here next week.droool
  12. Well allen all good advice except for one thing,iam a vikings fan skol.😁😁😁
  13. Yes sir Pennsylvania
  14. Hi,my name is doug.i an from pa,ive buildt lots of plastic models this my foray into wooden ships. I am 47yrs old have a wife and 3 wonderfull kids.my plan is to start with model shipways dory and go from there will shiw pics when i can.ty everyone doug
  15. Great idea,will check the website.ty sir
  16. Ty sir.can you think of any other tools i would need.it comes with clamps,knife,tweezers,brushs,and paint.
  17. Hi folks,i am new to the hobby.wanted to try this for along time now.ive buildt alot of plastic model ships but never wood.what would a good starter model be.ive had my eye on the model shipways 3 pack,but would like to hear from folks who have the experience. Also what general tools would i need.ty doug
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