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Jay 1

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Posts posted by Jay 1

  1. Janet, Norman's spot on with birch dowels. Even if you use conditioner or etc. with birch, it still is very hit or miss. I recently had some birch dowels that I conditioned and then stained--they came out blotchy and looked awful, so I painted over these. If your kit has birch dowels that you want to stain, you may want to use a different hardwood. Since you're in the UK, Cornwall Boats will be an excellent resource for replacement dowels.



  2. Some how, I missed seeing your latest post Sam--thanks for the thanks! ;) You had several very difficult calls to make with this project; given the challenges of many of the kit's dimension errors, you carefully weighed the pros and cons of those problems and came up with great solutions to this model's challenges. She's going to be a beauty when you're finished!


    Sails? Sails? You don't need no stinkin' sails! :)



  3. Sam, thanks for the background regarding her lines. Yep, I had the story about her lines slightly skewed. I'm also not a big fan of the ship (have seen some nice builds of her though), but I am looking forward to your project! It does look like the former builder did some nice work, I'm really looking forward to seeing you take the boat to a new level and how you do it.


    What you wrote about 3-D were my thoughts as well. It'll be great if you can use it for the Bounty's stern and qtr badges! So many cast parts leave a lot to be desired, esp. when it comes to details like a ship's scrollwork and etc. Like you I'll stay out of the debate on its merits or faults when it comes to scratch building and etc; however, my guess is that this technology likely will be embraced eventually by some model companies--innovative firms like ME. There are so many compelling reasons why embracing it will be a good business move once its costs come down.


    Lol on being tough with me :) As former Marine and combat vet, I've got pretty thick skin along with, thankfully, good senses of humor and play. ;)



  4. The fun's begun! Great start, Sam; sounds like you have a solid POA for the refit. I'm not too up on the Bounty; if I understand correctly, there were two sets of Admiralty plans for the ship? Which does the AOS use? I thought I read in the forum (perhaps it was elsewhere) that many kits, like the Mamoli one, were more or less based on the first version Admiralty plans--does that sound right? A zillion questions...sort of want to get my bearings. :)


    I'm intrigued about the 3-D printing, so am hoping that works out for the refit. From what I've read about it, the technology is both fascinating and remarkable.


    I hear ya about Floquil, no idea why Testors dropped the line... Maybe they'll sell the rights (fingers crossed), as it was nice paint to work with and the colors they offered were excellent. I've been doing a lot with Tamiya's acrylics lately, mixed reviews, so I'm looking forward to hearing your reviews of the Admiralty stuff--btw, will you be hand or airbrushing with it or both?


    And I'm not sayin' jack about the s-things: my lips are sealed! Lol :)



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