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Laxian Key

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  1. Did you add the drain pipes and the base strip on the pilot house/forward deck house or were they part of the kit? I am building a newer version of this kit and used 1/32" thick wood strip for the base strip and .020" plastic rod for the drain pipes. The model looks great by the way.
  2. Jeff, the paint looks great. How much did you cut the True North Paints (50/50?) and what did you cut it with?
  3. Looks great Jerry, you set a high bar to follow. Still working on mine, and will post a build log in the near future.
  4. Lacian key… that seems like a good idea to put spacers under the rails. I did not think to do that, I just glued them on.

  5. I thought it was just me. I must have read the construction manual 10 times looking for directions on the deck houses' safety rails. I am planning on gluing very small length styrene rods to each round junction to space them away from the houses. Your model looks great.
  6. Jerry, I am looking forward to this build log. I too am building this Bluecrafters model. If you have a Facebook account, check out the Nantucket Lightship/LV-112 Facebook page. many, many historical photographs. I actually visited the original ship in Boston Harbor last week. The volunteers on the ship were very friendly and helpful. On beginning the model, I found a lot of gaps between the templates and the carved hull, necessitating adding material rather than sanding away material (my garage is now carpeted with Bondo dust). Side note, when I was younger, I spent most of summers in Falmouth-still my favorite place on the Cape. Good luck with the build.
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