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Everything posted by Erdict

  1. B.E. These anchors are fantastic! I really like the way you are setting up your display. It seems very original to me. @chris watton am I looking at my kit correctly? I have both wooden anchors and also a set of resin printed anchors. Is your kit evolving?
  2. I really like this advice Glenn! I'll avoid too much description and a lot of "see my ship now!" pics. I also tend to focus more on the "how-to", "help!" and "avoid this" commentary. I'll try and make this as reader friendly as possible. (I may have to check myself with the overwriting
  3. Oh, so sorry! I didn’t ask that very well. I meant should I make 2-3 posts in this log addressing different build aspects (i.e., a post for attaching the stern, one for cutting the bulkhead…) Do folks generally prefer several shorter posts or longer posts that cover larger sections of a build? If I made a log for each section of my build I would make a mess of things right quickly 🤪
  4. Thank you all for taking time to follow my build and take time to share your thoughts. Blue Ensign: thank you for posting your build and providing so many interesting ideas to follow. I have thoroughly read your log; 2-3 times for some sections. I am keeping my iPad open with build logs next to the instructions for simultaneous reference. Hollowneck: I am discovering just how immense a resource MSW is. I wish I had used it for my previous build. I discovered it at the end of the build. My work is not unsteady. Though, I do take a week off here and there. I also may take a month or so off after finishing the hull. The transition to rigging is a big one for me. I am following your build now. I haven't caught up yet, as my brain RAM only allows room for the hull build at this point. Seriously, there is so much relevant information available on here. I perused your rigging, and I will definitely be following your guide as closely as the instructions. When I get to the sails, it will be 100% your build, as I haven't found another. I love the silkspan hanging in your garage. My wife is not going to love this when I get to that step =] Glenn: thank you. It's tricky for me to balance the journey and the achievement. I want to see what my ship is going to look like, but just stepping back and enjoying it is something I have embraced more as I feel more competent. I think I will really be able to settle into this one. If it goes over, I won't get overly worried. James: thank you for keeping an eye on my build log. These instructions are extremely well-written. They seem to anticipate all the unforeseen questions that got me hung up on previous models, and they explain things in a very easy-to-follow manner. Looking at step 149, I see the note is to prevent a gap between the lower stern cover and the upper counter? I will keep a special note here to watch this step. Also, thank you for managing such a great culture here on MSW. There seems to be a lot of activity to keep up with. I know that is a lot of work. Glenn (UK): I think I have been mixing both Glenn's in my mind, but now I can make the separation. I am actually following your build as well. I love a lot of your view angles and approaches. They offer perspectives that I am finding helpful. I have started my build, and I will post my first log as I get my bearings. I'm not sure how best to organize the logs yet, especially in length. Is it better to post 2-3 logs organized by subject close together or just post one log that covers an entire span? Especially early on, a lot seems to happen. Also, here is my previous build. I posted it just a couple days ago but finished this past July. It gives a point of reference for where I'm leaving off (and gives a chance to show my last build ). I feel I am at an awkward stage where I make glaring errors on some things but achieve others that I am proud of.
  5. Hello all, I am really liking all your comments. I am finishing the OcCre Diana. I love it, and I have been eye-balling this as my next kit. I find your ideas about this ship compelling. I would be interested to learn how to “bash” this model up. I have funding, so I would love to do more with this kit. Could you direct me to ideas on how to Go beyond with a ship? BTW: One thing about this kit that I think is incredible is the detail of their instructions. I feel I can actually complete this ship without hitting the inevitable road blocks of poor pictures or poorly translated and vague instructions. thanks all!
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