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  1. Thanks for the heads-up I'll do a "soak-test" first
  2. Thanks starlight - appreciated I did look for build logs for this, and though only one appeared to have gotten longer than I am, I did get some inspiration from the pictures in the log - just wasn't sure how to "get there". Hadn't seen the planking tutorials, but i'll check it out before i get to it!
  3. Thanks Jeff - appreciated Would that be soaking in just water (i heard somebody mention a bit of vinegar in it too)? The pictures doesn't really show, but its the aft section that needs the soaking most, as it has more of a twist to it as well as the bend.
  4. My first build..... So far everything is good - and spirit is high!😀 Still have a lot of filing/sanding to do on the battens and frames, before the first real "hard part" starts. Next will be the fitting of bulwarks and then later lining strakes. These parts needs to be made more flexible before fitting and for this i would need some expert advise: *Per the instructions the "bulwark should be dampened with water or applied heat before twisting in place", and the Lining strakes should be "soaked in water" Any advise on how the above is done best would be highly appreciated! Thanks
  5. Thanks - I'm Brian Great inspiration from this awesome forum - beautiful work !!
  6. Hello Been wanting to build model ships since i was a kid, and now, recently divorced I have the time and space to live it out!! Just received "Occre Palamos 1:45 Scale", though looking at the instructions, this may be a bit "long-haired" as the first one...? Waiting for some building tools to arrive and will be ready to start this weekend!! Already been gathering a lot of tips and inspiration from this forum!
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