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  1. I fabricat pieces of main boom not sail. Sorry. On a phone without my glasses
  2. Hello all , I have been dabbling with some running gear. I was able to determine the length of the main boom from the remnants of them main sail. I had a couple pieces of it and fabricated the missing pieces. Not too bad , I have to do some additional blending of the finish but at a glance I think it’s going to look ok . I replaced the main sail sheets , from what I can tell I replaced them to what was originally there. It appears this was typical to all 3 booms . I am looking for opinions or comments to see if I am on the rite track. I have added a few photos , my questions are , should there be rigging in the center where my fingers are pointing in the photo. There is an existing pulley on the boom and a center connection eye on the aft deck ?? Also I have added main boom end lift rigging. I had nothing left of original and decided to rig it from a plan I saw here on this site. Thanks to all and God bless
  3. Good morning. I have been looking at this piece of bronze hardware since I purchased this project. It was with all the proven parts and pieces but to date I have no idea where on this model it would belong. Could it possibly be part of the pond yacht steering??? Can’t wait to see if this puzzle gets solved . Thanks again to all who have been so helpfull
  4. Hello , I am starting to second guess the rat lines on this model. From all the other examples I see the rat lines had less horizontal distance between them. Also most have at least a third verticals shroud line if not more . I am having a hard time keeping them somewhat tight and consistent and now wondering if this model would have originally had them ?
  5. I see they have many choices. Wood , brass etc. I’ll have to determine the best fit for the scale I’m dealing with . Thank you
  6. Hi Keith , the posts stand 1 inch off the deck , the top rail is 1/4 inch , so 1-1/4” total off the deck. Thank you
  7. Thank you that’s a great idea. I thought the small brass nails were odd . I think cleaned up with some belaying pins would make a world of difference. Thanks again
  8. Hello , can anyone tell me the intended purpose and or how they should be rigged? the horseshoe shaped pieces go around the mast base . There are several small baits with remnants of lines and also some coiled up lines hung from them. I was told they may prevent fire from reaching the masts but really not sure what they are and how I should rig them . Thank you.
  9. I really do appreciate your honesty. I realized as soon I painted that running light it was way too much . I have tried to bring it back to original. Photo attached. I was going to repaint the black tufted leather seats but I guess I should abandon that idea
  10. Thank you very much John. I will get that posted this week
  11. You are correct. I am going to put the port lite back to original and only paint the remainder deck. Thank you
  12. Thank you Keith. I tried to clean up the decks and cabin roofs. I just could not. The paint I am using is very close to original. I am trying to keep things as original as possible but the decks really needed something. I have attached a before and after photo of a cabin roof
  13. Hello all , I’m off and running with the standing rigging on my massive vintage schooner with the name Elmina . I just had to jump in and start tying , please don’t zoom in , I’m new at this and often get comments about the size of my hands. They look more suited for concrete work . I’ve also started painting the decks before I get too far along on rigging. I will soon be thinking about running rigging. I know this isn’t a pond yacht forum but I have gotten great advise on this site. I not so much on the pond yacht forums I’ve visited. can anyone tell me good resources for diagrams , photos etc. I originally thought my model was missing a ships wheel and helm. But I’m now thinking the threaded shaft from the rudder was for some type of mechanisim for the pond yacht steering. Any advice would be helpful. Unfortunately I don’t have a Handel on the pond yacht operation and do not intend to add sails. But I would like it rigged properly. I have a diagram and photos of existing connections etc. I have to refine my diagram , it’s so crude I can not even understand it. I will continue to post photos and questions on this thread. Thanks again to all
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