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  1. Hello everyone As the subject indicates, here is a link allowing you to view my sailboat the Jolie Brise at 1/12th scale. and a video in navigation. This French sailboat dates from 1913. The hull measures 1.40m. The range from the bowsprit to the boom 2.20 m. Height from the keel to the tip of the mast 2.20m. For a total weight in running order of 25.5 kg. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOZdv6aJz9oWpB1WEoy4gVTO-85NnxoQNK0mTq1-bvz22WCfEEC2UmBg756x0d7gw?key=UXpnZnRvRks4R2hyYzZWV1FkUTgyeEN2UHVOdlJn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjvSIjuXdbY&ab_channel=AlexandreRAMON
  2. Let me introduce myself, Alexandre, I come from France near Paris. I am part of the MCBM (Model Club du Bassin de la Muette) in Elancourt 78.http://www.mcbm-elancourt.fr/ I've been doing ship modeling for 24 years. I have many models that I will put on this forum. My last 2 1/9 scale boats are the orca "jaws" and the Amity Police "Jaws II" Warmly. Le Havre pilot cutter Jolie Brise 1/12th scale The hull measures 1.40m. The span from the bowsprit to the boom 2.20m. Height from the keel to the tip of the mast 2.20m. For a total weight in running order of 25.5 kg. Building link: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOZdv6aJz9oWpB1WEoy4gVTO-85NnxoQNK0mTq1-bvz22WCfEEC2UmBg756x0d7gw?key=UXpnZnRvRks4R2hyYzZWV1FkUTgyeEN2UHVOdlJn Navigation link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57gTfXDshdA&t=75s Chalutier Toirette à l'échelle 1/10ème Caractéristiques du bateau : longueur 1,37cm, largeur 0,47cm, poids 40 kg en état de marche. Lien de construction : https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipM6ejKIuXDH69hJLwTL8VN7xi1MSKcgE9adOljvHb2e5-f7jbCqd-l-TajsrlskVw?key=RXZsbDZLZ05qcVFsMmxoRXY1VHFlNGJobGVXWDVn Liens de navigation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQtDgf_FqxY&feature=emb_rel_pause https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=3jTuGw6CiEY&feature=emb_logo Trawler Boulogne Etaples scale 1/10th 1.10M long and 0.39 cm wide for a total weight of 28 kg. Building link: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOEXHbtIWznW0CKsDtJCIb_zuEkisirEI2i6qnDVLrIKvNLHkf9s137761x2zMzyQ?key=MnpZclRQeGFLM2Y5Yk9UMGtMeTJSZThyNFRIUHV3 Navigation link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=84&v=v3doUz07jTY&feature=emb_logo Amity Police boat Jaws II 1/9th scale Model model being finished The hull measures 83cm Link building: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNl6gENyVN8R3fVjPkdzBFURTVZHAtM4SR6fUhEAVG9nTN5bDxFws_Sr0oO60sKZQ?key=QUJoUE1hcDlVUFlPWFVaRy14RnlpS3AwTWVLbU53 Orca Jaws Boat 1/9th Scale From the bowsprit to the stern, the model measures 1.50m and 44cm wide for a weight of 21kg. Building link: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMiPk_PkQaEWTAVONHhg3AVMQ6SUNerP2E3XQj1Os1og6wk03E0Hcx3LYY_sBzK8A?key=TU9oYVhDbGNfb0Vxd2FSMzdMVFJDdk9aTlZLUVpn Navigation link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3VG9aeT4zs&t=40s
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