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  1. Thank you everyone for your comments and links to articles on the ship. Very interesting that this ship was a royal vessel filled with unique items of the period. I love to know what the future holds for this ship in terms of potentially raising her. What a marvelous museum piece it would make as well as all of the potential discoveries it would revel about life in that period as well as the ship building techniques actually used.
  2. Hello, There was a discovery of a 500 year old ship in 2019. I'm looking for an update on that discovery as five years have passed. Attached is the link to the original article. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7273037/Remains-500-year-old-ship-retrieved-bottom-Baltic-Sea.html Thanks! Remains of 500 year-old shipwreck is retrieved from bottom of Baltic Sea in almost PERFECT condition Experts found the incredible relic while scanning the waters with a sonar device The vessel, which dates back to the Late 15th Century, still has its masts in place 'It is an intact and astonishingly preserved shipwreck,' said one maritime expert
  3. Hello Giorgio, Did you finish this project? I'm also building this ship, but on a much smaller scale. 1:400 Could use some plans as what I have is very little.
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