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Pale Moon

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  1. Congratulations Jon, on your beautiful ships. Jeff
  2. Hello Dan - I will follow along with your build, if I may. It’s looking great. The view along the sheer in your last photo is splendid. I have the Alert kit, and it will be my first kit build, sometime in the indefinite future.
  3. Hello, my name is Jeff, a new member here, from Victoria, Australia. Not a great modeller, I did succeed in completing a full scale Golant Gaffer a few years ago. After that, my wife and I lived at sea for 12 years, and now I have the Vanguard Alert kit, as my next gaff cutter. I also have a full time job, and a new house which awaits furniture and landscaping … so time for boat building may be limited. But it’s a joy to be a part of this community, and I look forward to sharing, and learning from you.
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