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  1. Hi Jacque, I'm a newcomer here as well. Welcome! Tom
  2. Thanks for the help guys. Duco Cement and PVC Cement are a new one to me. So I may experiment.
  3. I like how your smaller boats are shaping up. I'm not at this point in my model, so can't advise. But great use of time as you wait. I'm going to be working on the hull myself, after a very long hiatus. Tom
  4. Back to basics. It's been many years since I've worked on my ship. MS Constitution. Recommendations for glue on the market these days? Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the welcome. Starting a build log sounds like a lot of fun. I'll plan on it.
  6. Hi All! My name is Tom, and I'm continuing MS Constitution after putting it away for many years. It's like starting over...but I feel very excited about working on it. I'm in the middle of working on the hull, and relied heavily on Bob Hunts curriculum. I have to still set up my work station. Buy some supplies. But I wanted to begin by contacting fellow modeller. I also liked the advice of contacting, directly, others who worked on this model. I will try to navigate towards them. But if any of you have built it, or know someone, please say hello. Thanks too all who make this wonderful source available. Just a quick pic to show where I'm at in the process. Tom
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