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Everything posted by Vlax

  1. Out of the 3 you mention I would use the Titebond III. I use Original Titebond for most of the gluing I do. Its holds well and gives you time to make some adjustments before it sets. The Titebond III is similar except It’s water resistant. That means that if one of your frames or anything you glue with it is misaligned, it’s going to be hard to take apart to fix. So make sure everything is square and where it needs to be.
  2. Hello Yann, welcome aboard!
  3. Welcome aboard Joanne!
  4. Welcome to MSW!
  5. Welcome to MSW Ryan!
  6. Welcome to MSW Mimmo!
  7. Welcome to MSW Mic, I hope you Enjoy you’re time here.
  8. Welcome Louise! I hope you enjoy your time here at MSW.
  9. Welcome William!
  10. Welcome Paul! I hope Enjoy your time here at MSW. There are some very friendly helpful people around. Good luck with everything going on and your models looking good!
  11. Welcome aboard!
  12. I think you’re doing a great job so far Travis. I am currently working on OcCres’ Polaris as well. I just finished the second planking and am working on the deck details atm. I’m going to follow along and see how your build goes. Keep up the good job!
  13. Welcome Peter, That Titanic is looking good my friend!
  14. I appreciate the warm welcome, Thank you all very much! Great idea and I want to start one with my next build. I am very much an introvert and I think a build log would help there as well.
  15. Hello everyone, My name is Derrick I’m 42 and I’m from Silverton Oregon. I’ve been lurking in the forums now for 6 months or so and decide to finally introduce myself. I am new to model ship building only starting to build in the last couple months. Ive completed the Model Shipways 3 ship shipwright kit and found it to be an absolute joy to complete. My wife might say otherwise as I had a few frustrating moments lol. I am currently working on Occre’s Polaris kit and I’m finding it to be fun. I just finished the second planking and am working on the deck and rigging. Though I find Occre’s instructions decent, especially the pictures, overall they are lacking a bit with any descriptive information. Especially the rigging. Thankfully there are some amazing build logs here on MSW that have been invaluable to me as a beginner. I came into this hobby with almost no nautical or maritime knowledge. I just wanted to build cool looking ships and boats. I still know almost nothing but it’s been a damn blast learning the little bit I have so far. Ive found that learning about the ships, the terminology, how they sail ect. has been equally as fun as building them and I wasn’t expecting that. Anyway I’ve rambled long enough. I just want to end by saying Thank you for having me and Thanks to everyone for all the incredible knowledge you have gathered here. It’s truly awesome.
  16. Welcome to MSW!!
  17. Welcome aboard Walter, hope you enjoy your time here. It’s a great hobby!
  18. Welcome to MSW, I hope you enjoy model ship building.
  19. Welcome Andrew! Victory is a beautiful ship and I wish you the best of luck in your modeling endeavors.
  20. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here.
  21. Welcome! That’s a fine ship you have there. Great work and I hope you enjoy your new hobby.
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