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Everything posted by Johngr

  1. Various sub assembles made and glued in place on the stern. I preferred to place the cranes in an extension outside the hull with the prospect of hanging some smaller equipment later.
  2. I recently bought the kit FlyHawk 1/700 - SMS Emden - Amazing detail on such a scale! One of the best I've ever seen. Probably be the next one I start..
  3. Primer first and sanding for the final step with the end result also i make the cranes ready for gluing
  4. The added extra are very well made , i think the premium is worth it.
  5. SEAHORSE DE ZEVEN PROVINCIEN 1665 - 1/100 - One of the most detail and complicated cardboard ship kit I ever seen! I recently purchased this kit and created a video to showcase it on the forum.
  6. Thank you for the clarification. Your knowledge of the subject is impressive. I did a quick search to find out more and it brought up the name Oropesa. From wikipedia An Oropesa is a streamlined towed body used in the process of minesweeping. The role of the Oropesa is to keep the towed sweep at a determined depth and position from the sweeping shipOropesa are standard devices used on Avenger-class mine countermeasures ships. The device derives its name from the ship on which it was developed, HMS Oropesa, a converted British Steam trawler.
  7. Over the weekend I prepared the second deck in the same way by cutting out the windows and installing clear sheeting. The rest of the bridge elements were also installed and I painted the edges in several parts of the deck. For the torpedoes I decided to use plastic rods but first I had to calculate their diameter. The circumference was measured close to 8.93 millimeters, so with the formula d= C / π (8.93 / 3.14159) the diameter = 2.84mm. I have 2.5mm and 3mm rods, and I will probably go to 2.5mm. I think it's closer to scale.
  8. Some other parts prepared and glued. For the bridge i decided to cut the windows and replaced with transparent plastic form a package of one of my tools! I'll probably have to use another method for cutting , maybe a micro chisel. And the final result But before bridge installment i put some equipment and furniture. And the one of the deck in place.
  9. I uploaded a short video of the unboxing. Very detail ship kit, amazing packaging !!
  10. Thank you Richard, are from the laser cut set.
  11. Hi Chris, your work is an inspiration to me.
  12. Hi, Back to the construction of the ship that stayed in the !shipyard! for so many days without any progress. At this stage many small objects had to be prepared and put in place. For some of these I used plastic rods. The problem with using other materials is that they have to be painted, which I try to avoid, but the ease of using such small objects outweighs it.
  13. Little progress these days due to workload. Stairs from the sets were placed, as was parts et bulkhead.
  14. Thanks Greg, the Pontos indeed have a 1/250 full kit.
  15. I made some progress today. The main part glued on 4mm acrylic base. The cross section were cut, glued as well as the decks. I also decided to modify all the portholes by drilling holes and creating the glazing with PVA glue. We'll see how it goes when they dry. Luckily the kit has two ships on board as option. 😄
  16. Hello, I decide to start another card ship kit, this time for the HMV, the Flower Class HMCS Corvette Agassiz 1941. The kit is very detailed with many parts and add the Laser cut detail set from same company. So for start I cut the main parts for the cross sections, glued and left under some weight to straighten out.
  17. Thank you Papa for your kind words. The good thing about this hobby is that there will always be room for each of us to improve. 🙂
  18. I upload to youtube a video with progress and the final result. I hope to like it. https://youtu.be/NQCjz2zdB2c
  19. After the completion of the previous project it will be the next one. For now I uploaded a short video of the unboxing and the build log will follow.. https://youtu.be/lSmzpt2I3iY
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