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Tim W

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Everything posted by Tim W

  1. I am currently building the Mayflower from Model Shipways same scale and amazed at the differences. All minor but different non the less. Nice work
  2. Dave, My crows nests are finished. They look like the might be a bit thick (scalewise)but I think they will be OK once installed
  3. Wish I had thought of that. By the time you get the seats and frames in you can't see much of the inside anyway! Not completely happy with my oars, can't decide to toss them start over or just forget them all together?
  4. I am currently building this kit and the instructions do have some belaying pin racks. I hav also built crows nests from wood as I saw in another forum on this site
  5. It’s only my second wooden build so I don’t have much to base an opinion on. The cast crows nests are junk and I’m going to try to make them from scratch. I saw that done by another member and have asked if he has plans to share. Fingers crossed
  6. Thanks for adding me to your group. love making model ships. past projects include White Swan by Revell Passat by Heller. Bounty by Mantua, my first wooden model. Currently working on Mayflower by Model Shipways.
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