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  1. After many months I have finally finished one my big ships despite being a wooden ship witch I always struggle with I think I have a decent result
  2. Almost done lifeboats and davits installed and rigging started just minor bits to finish off.
  3. Nearing the end now I have all the funnels in place and rigged and the two masts in place but not glued
  4. I haven't done much lately due to family issues but I have managed a big push over the last few days and have completed all the railings and most of the deck fittings.
  5. I now have got most of the railings finished and deck furniture fitted and a trial fitting of the funnels
  6. Good morning I was just looking at your fine build and I was just wondering if you can help me out I have the same kit but I have no instructions I just need the part numbers for the forward cargo hatch that's the one that is on bow I would be grateful if you can help me out.
  7. Found some time to put some more work I have added the eyelets for the funnel stays and vents plus the navigation light's all this takes me up to issue 77
  8. My first post here so I hope I get it right. I brought this one from a charity shop the Hull was already built (better than I could ever manage) All I will be doing is finishing off the numerous small parts Currently I have a couple of pots full of life boats and one of crane's and davits Four painted funnels And here is the main hull
  9. I joined a few days ago and I would like to start a build log the only problem is that the ship I am currently working on was brought half built (very good I might add) Is it possible to start a build log with it or is it better to leave it and start a fresh with my next build.
  10. First of all thanks for letting me join My name is Peter and I hail from Taunton Somerset in the deepest darkest West Country in the nose UK. I have been building floaty things for a number of years my main builds being the titanic. Currently on the go I have (wait for it) a 1/144 billing titanic the 1/250 hachette part work which is nearly finished I also have a revell 1/700 and the trumpeter 1/200 waiting in the wings. On the non titanic front in my stash waiting is the jacques cousteau calypso from billing boats and the original build the bismarck a nearly finished 1/96 uss constitution and a card hms victory (phew) Once again thanks for letting me join Here's a picture of my current project.
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