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  1. I cheated. I couldn’t resist the temptation of turning this in the lathe in a minute and a half. Supposed to be assembled from strips, then sanded. Shoot me.
  2. Done, except hand sanding. .637 to .425 A LOT more demanding than aluminum or nylon or steel on the lathe.
  3. Sorry guys Cant do this on a keyboard. 😁😇
  4. I just scaled up the weight from my video. Its only about 18.9 pounds in scale. I’ll put a whole gallon on there tomorrow and try to raise it. That’ll be 10 stone. 😂😁 Lmao
  5. IMG_2582.MOV Single rolls smoothly. But, note to self - sheave pilot holes cannot be .001” off, or line pinch results. 😁 Not using that green garbage wire, just testing.
  6. Single rolls smoothly. But, note to self - sheave pilot holes cannot be .001” off, or line pinch results. 😁 Not using that green garbage wire, just testing.
  7. I much appreciate the info I get here because I am new at this. The compliments are especially encouraging. I am a retired Porsche factory master engine tech, so when I show these things to my old school mechanic buddies, I get “encouragement” like this….. 😂
  8. Thanks for that picture, that’s great. I did both parts in cad, then cut them with the laser. Going to draw the doubles next. Still have to taper and chamfer by hand, but that’s for tomorrow at 4:30 am while I still have 100% patience.
  9. I’m pretty happy with this. I can darken with Danish oil or linseed. If I can pull lines through them after I chamfer, that will be great.
  10. Thanks a lot for the info. Scale is 1/18 and boat was built in 1776 - US. Sounds like wood it is. Im going to go draw and burn one right now and see how it looks.
  11. For the sake of authenticity, there is no reference that I can find regarding whether the sheaves were bronze or wood. None were pulled up, and I don’t trust the reproductions on the reproduced boat. I can make them out of “bronze” or wood, but I don’t know which to do?
  12. Walnut single block blank. Hot off the press. Im going to make them functional with wooden sheaves and “forged” pins. what do you guys think???
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