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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. Thanks, and many others suggested it too so I will probably get it along with the other 3. Its just a shame I have to order it from abroad but I believe it will be worth the money.
  2. Thank you for your time and effort. Il make sure to take a look on the build log and read up upon what you suggested and Il look up the book recommendation too 👍
  3. Well Thanks for all the suggestions people. regarding Lees book will it be of any relevance to my cutter Sherbourne or will it only maybe be usefull for the Speedy?. Also Regarding the rigging im not aiming for 100% historical accurate but instead I want to give it some believable look and have some good looking rigging. This task is very big for me since its my first time but hopefully il manage somehow one step at a time. But it is very hard to find info the terminology in this rigging subject. So I hope the books I mentioned will do me good.
  4. Thanks Gregory. I did see some of those discussions buty didnt dwelve to deep into it. However Petersson has a book called rigging period ships models aswell as the fore and aft rigging one. Anybody know the the diffirence cause wouldnt he cover the fore and aft rigging in his other one?
  5. Thank you for this post. To give some background Im currently rigging the Cutter Sherbourne. My next vessel will be Speedy but for now Im focused on tSherbourne. Do you know what sets Peterssons books apart since you recommended the fore and aft craft? I have seen that he has another book about period model ships aswell.
  6. Thank you all so much for the Help and suggestions. Im very grateful for that. So I have considered for now not just one but maybe as was suggested 3 or more books to give me more coverage. Im considering the following, The book of Knots by Ashley, Lees masting and rigging English ships of war, The Riggers Apprentice" by Brion Toss and then Lennarth Petersson's Rigging Period Fore-And-Aft Craft. Though Peterssens Is more about visuals if I understood correctly. But Peterssen has several books about rigging. Can I just get one or do I need more?
  7. As long as its just a good book relevant for model ships im good. Or maybe just a book on knots even.
  8. Thanks for the suggestions. My goal is just trying to find something that illustrates very good how the rigging is done and in my case thats the 1750-1800s era of ships. Now money is not a problem for me as long as the book itself is worth the effort.
  9. Im aware of that they show a diffirent ship but that comes just after after these Images I pointed out. Though looking through the blueprints these "2 missing blocks" are not present on any blueprint so that talks for what you say. But im still unsure what to think, You can even see these blocks by the mainmast on the boxcover of the model.
  10. This is probably it for me. I have considered Peterssens book on the rigging but I looked around here and heard it doesnt accurately depict ships of that era or similiar and that the book should not be recommended to new people like me rigging my first. The book of knots is a good suggestion thanks for that.
  11. Good progress you are making on the Sherbourne Palmerit. I have gotten very stuck on this model cause the instructions are unclear and the images just wrong in certain areas. But I skimmed through ECKs build log and once again we might have ourselves a blueprint error. The very knot on the main mast with the 2 thimble blocks. Apparently the images in the manual show a diffirent setup having them on the very top end of the main mast while the blueprint location of the 2 thimble blocks is just two blocks though im unsure what exactly. You can spot this in the images of the manual now I just made this discovery so im trying to figure out what to do myself. But I wanted to give you a headsup aswell 👍 Take page 49 images for reference to the plan sheet 10. The location doesnt match.
  12. Hello Im on the rigging phase currently on my Sherbourne and progress is halting due to me not knowing how to make certain knots or make the rope look in a certain way as the blueprints show. I was scrolling through and if anybody knows a really good book on showing how certain rigging knots and other things related are done then please do recommend.
  13. Hello again. I have been procrastinating alot lately on the model but today I threw away my pondering to finally do something. And I got one of the thimble blocks done. Its probably not as correct as the manual shows but it took me barely 5 minutes to do so now its on too the next challange which is the double loop on the block to one of the gaff booms. Firstly I cant find in the blueprints what thread it is but looking at the image its natural colour thread but what size I dont yet know but I suspect maybe the thicker ones like 0,25mm or 0,5mm perhaps. How does one do a double loop like the one in the picture? Cause I had a thought of tying around something like a wire to make a loop firstly then knot and after tying it to the block. But then comes the question how do I make it on the other side thats going to be attached to the brass eyehole?
  14. So with Chris help and clarification I managed now to get most blocks on the main mast done, Now all that remains is the elusive 2,5mm thimble block. Trying to look in the instructions for references but I cant get a clear picture. Is this just a regular knot or is it something else cause it has those lines just above the block indicating some thread added I think?
  15. Thank you very much Chris! 👍. And by bigger blocks you mean the 4mm and 5mm?
  16. Hello So I might be getting the hang of how to make the knots, now a new challange has arrived. Interpretering what thread to use at what time?. Its very hard to know what thread im supposed to use tying the blocks to the eyelets etc. Cause its impossible to use legend in the instructions of the threads when they differ barely a quarter of a mm. It is mentioned in the instructions on page 48 that on one block that a 0,25mm black thread was used however is this used on all the other blocks aswell? So alot of the blocks I have tied already with the 0,25 mm black thread and that has worked great. Im just afraid that some of the blocks are supposed to be tied with other threads cause again the instructions are not clear in that. I just hope Chris or somebody with the knowledge can step forth and shine some light on this question, would be greatly appreciated 🙂. Another thing is the driver boom on the back end there is this single block connected to one of the PE-1s and it looks like it has a loop on the other end which is confusing me. Is this just a threadloop or might this be some part? Bonus Earlier this week my next project arrived the Speedy, with copper sheets and even walnut blocks. So hopefully I can finish the Sherbourne soon and jump onto the next one.
  17. Hey Palmerit, Good progress Im on the same step as you so im struggling aswell 😆. As for the PE-2sLook in the Plans 7,8 and 9. I have found Pe-2s to be used on the outer pattern close to the stern, aswell as 3 on the bow. Unlike you I have almost ran out of PE-2s so i wouldnt be surprised if I accidently used some while building the cannons. For the eyelets on the main masts above, I put them around the middle maybe slightly a little bit towards the extension mast I used manual side 49 as the picture for reference. Though in the reference picture It looks like the are slightly more on the end of the extension part. As for the 5mm triple block I did not find it either so likely it was overlooked in production, I did reach out to the only one I think so far thats finished the Sherbourne "ECK" and he said the following to me "I sanded down one side of a 5mm double then flattened slightly another double and glued them together" . Im thinking of doing something similiar or maybe putting together some blocks from another old kit I inherited. Good luck on the build!
  18. So I have been adding PE parts to some of the parts in the meantime but I still cant find this part and Im wondering if im supposed to make this part myself? even though it says all blocks are included in the kit. If anybody knows what to do please reach out as im at this point stuck. Was I meant to order these triple 5mm blocks seperately or something?
  19. Okay so I for some reason got stuck on that the knot should be at the top thinking that the top edge was the one pointing inward to the dowel. So now the first blocks have been added. Still cant find the 5mm triple block 🤔
  20. Mini update "Stuck" Firstly even after reading Chris instructions on how to tie the two single blocks to the bowsprit I cant visualise how its supposed to look. One knot around the block and then am I supposed to make a knot on the bowsprit and another one connected to the last block? I just cant quite understand how. Also I cant for the life of me find this E block "Triple 5mm block" its not listed in the parts list and I looked through the bags and cant find anything. Anybody know where I can find it?
  21. Hello again, My hand is getting better and with some motivation I have done a little work on the bowsprit, boms and main mast. Still got work to do with adding eyeholes etc but its progress. I have found myself in a little trouble with how to tie the blocks to the (yards, spars etc) But I might have gotten myself an answer by Chris in Palmerits build log so if anybody get into the same situation know where to look. To get the grove on the bowsprit I just put the dowel in a screwdriver with some masking tape protecting the base. While I used sandpaper first for the shape and finally took out my needlefile and shaped the grove. I have said this alot but the rigging is a dreaded step for me. knots have always been a challenge for me but I have to get over it just as I thought the planking was super dreaded before, in the end just another problem to solve. As im nearing the end and to add some motivation for me to finish this one I actually put up an order on the Speedy, So after this one my plan is to start a build log on that one.
  22. Thanks for the input. Alright then so its mostly about the visuals then
  23. Hello Im putting together an order on the Vanguard speedy and I see that its optional to buy Walnut blocks that replace the standard ones in the kit. What advantages do these have over the normal ones anybody know?
  24. Thanks for the suggestion Craig. Il try something like that with the yard and broms to get them done.
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