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About urb

  • Birthday 01/25/1951

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    Beverley, East Yorkshire, UK

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  1. Excellent tips. I'm battling with my first model, the card 'San Salvador' from the Maritime Museum, San Diego. I'm coming to the conclusion that I should really regard this first one as the practice, then build once again. It really is enjoyable and less stressful then I think building my 20 + year old still unopened King of the Mississippi will be. Looking forward to the next installment Urb
  2. I've downloaded the San Salvador, (thanks for the Link). I've printed out 2 booklets, basic and advanced to have a good read. I’ve got to the base hull stage so will start a build log once I have the hull built. I don’t know why I thought ‘card’ would be easy!! But your photos gave me a start. I have just found out that my neighbour built an Artesania Latina HMS Endeavour Kit, he says it took him 13 years to build. I have not seen it yet. It apparently sits in a glass case. Good for him.
  3. I was red hot going to start the King of the Mississippi kit that I’ve had over about 20 years, but unusually for me I decided not to jump in feet first but to have a good read of everything on the site first to see if I could pick up tips from the forums, tutorials, and etcetera. What a mine of information (I have not built anything like this before). I saw the “Built a ship from card? Then discuss it here!” I thought what a sacrilege, paper on a sight like this with such beautiful wooden ships. Anyhow I had told myself I would read everything so on to the “San Salvador free paper model”. As Ian M. says “The beauty is, if anything is messed up just print another sheet.” Excellent, suddenly I felt the pressure released (my Mississippi is un-opened). So I have downloaded everything from that site, all the instructions and plans for both ‘basic’ and ‘advanced’, helpfully card thicknesses are in metric, good for us in the UK. I hope that the hints and tips given will give me a good start and some practical help to getting a start to eventually starting my Mississippi. I see Adrieke has started this build in ‘Kit Build Logs in Progress’ (thanks for the link) so I am looking forward to more tips.
  4. Hi Remco I'm in the process of converting your .pdf's into .doc (Word 2003) with OmniPage. I hope this is what you wish. I don't know how I'll get them to your site or to you? Someone will advise when I'm finished I'm sure. If you would rather I stopped converting please inform me. I was about to start my first project of 'King of the Mississippi' (a 20 year old kit), but every time I look on this site and see the fantastic stuff being built by professionals (surely) rather then being spurned on to start I find I’m looking for reasons not to. Must break into the packs and once one is opened I’ll be of I'm sure. Kind Regards Urb
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