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Everything posted by jock2000

  1. Hi Dafi merry Christmas and happy new year from Thailand. Added the windows to the stern galleries an the name plate. Busy today removing rigols. Noticed not all gun ports have them.
  2. 104 guns glued, now to cleanup, paint and add sabots.
  3. Video #4 Now have picture of the Hood on the intro recovering from egg on face.
  4. Video #2 Major error that's not the Hood on the first shot.
  5. This is the reference material I have so far as well as all the YouTube material.
  6. I have 2 questions. 1. The colour of the lower decks and the bulkheads, I'm getting conflicting views. 2. I built my first 32pdr and it was very fiddly, so has anyone built a jig to help with the assembly as I have another 103 to go.
  7. have not posted for awhile but here is the first video of my Hood.
  8. Started the Heller HMS Victory !/100 https://youtu.be/uRLGxpwzd0M
  9. To get some relief from the Pom Pom I started on the aircraft while searching for information I found this video on the launch and recover of a Walrus it showed great detail.
  10. Started to assemble the Pom Poms on the Rodney, there are 6 of them with over 60 parts each. I noticed the Hood had only 3 on your model. The hardest part is keeping everything squared.
  11. Started to assemble the Pom Poms, there are 6 of them with over 60 parts each. The hardest part is keeping everything squared.
  12. Another part this time a pom pom gun director , the thin parts are less than a human hair, taken 5 hours.
  13. Trying to work out position of motors, batteries etc. Not much room for access.
  14. I know the feeling, just spent the afternoon assembling the signal lamps on the 1/200 Rodney, the two pieces on the front are so small I can't pick them up with tweezers.
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